2. Interrogation

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Chicago was wet; cold, wet and windy.

Winter was possibly Alex's most hated time of year. She preferred the warmer months, where she could dress in jeans and a t-shirt and not have to worry about frostbite nipping at her skin. Winter in Chicago always required layers; it hadn't started to snow just yet, but the rain was icing, and the wind was chilling, forcing Alex to rug up.

Her original attire had been chosen specifically for a date, with the intention of staying indoors beside the fire and drinking wine. But those plans had been swiftly destroyed by a simple phone call that sent Alex out hunting.

It wasn't that she minded hunting on a Friday night; in fact, she rather enjoyed tracking down and destroying vermin. The thrill got her blood pumping, and the sex after a hunt was always better, almost as good as makeup sex.

The shiver that ran through her made Alex pull the hood of her jacket back up to cover her ears. She was standing in an empty drafty factor waiting for her friends to arrive. They were late. She had expected them almost twenty minutes ago, and her patients were growing thin. Alex was tempted to take the job into her own hands and get the information out of the unconscious worm she had tied to a chair herself.

Glancing out the frosted window, Alex spotted a familiar white van moving towards the building. She smiled widely before turning to cross the room to stand by the unconscious vampire she had chained up. Spelled and vervain dipped steel chains were bound around the throat, chest, wrists and ankles of the vampire, guaranteeing that it wouldn't escape.

The van pulled into the factory and out climbed a blonde headed man, dressed from head to toe in black, his face was beaming a wide smile at Alex.

"You said forty minutes," said Alex. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We had a slippery one," he said.

Alex rolled her eyes. "He wasn't that slippery."

The groan from the vampire beside her brought a smirk to her lips.

"James, what are we going to do with the other one?"

The blonde-haired man, James, turned to look at the other man sitting in the front seat of the van.

James said, "Keep it unconscious for now; Alex and I will see what we can get from its friend first."

"Will we?" asked Alex. Her head tilting slightly to look up at James.

"You can have first shot?" he offered, closing the gap between them and cupping her face in his hands.

Alex's eyes seemed to glimmer with excitement. She nodded and pushed herself up on her toes to press a kiss to James' lips. "Afterwards, you owe me dinner."

James nodded. He pressed another kiss to the corner of her mouth. "I thought pizza in bed would be best."

"If you two keep going, I'm going to bed sick."

The strained voice made Alex and James turn. The vampire was slouched in the chair, his head leaning back, his eyes half-open.

Alex's smile faded. "No one was talking to you."

The vampire rolled his eyes. "If you are going to kill me, do it before the lovey-dovey shit. Or let me go; I was in the middle of my dinner when you attacked me."

The chains around the vampire tightened, pulling a loud scream out of him.

"Shut it," said James. He dropped his hand.

The vampire spat and hissed. "When I get out of here, I will eat you first, pretty boy and make the girly watch. Then I'll enjoy taking my time with you."

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