7. Truth

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It seemed that the Salvatore's living room was the place to meet. And it wasn't just the two vampires, Alex and Elena. Jeremy, Bonnie, Alaric and Caroline, had all shown up as well. Elena was sitting on one of the couches, her hands clenched in her lap. Stefan was sitting beside her, his hand running along her back soothingly. Alaric and Damon seemed intent on drowning a whole bottle of scotch before midday. The whole thing was rather uncomfortable in Alex's eyes, but they all needed to talk.

"So these vampires," started Caroline, "wanted to turn you over to this Klaus person?"

Elena nodded. "Apparently. Rose said that as the Petrova doppelganger, I am to be sacrificed to break the sun and the moon curse."

Alex wanted to laugh. The sun and the moon curse was the biggest piece of bullshit that Klaus and his family had spread across the world. He had vampires and werewolves alike, all believing such bullshit.

"Something amusing, sister witch?" asked Damon. His eyes were locked on Alex as he took a sip of his drink.

Alex hadn't realised her internal laughter had become reflected on her face. She knew that she could brush it off, say that she was in denial about the whole thing. But lying about the Originals wasn't going to keep Elena safe.

"Alex?" asked Elena. She looked at her older sister, concerned.

Alex sighed, letting her arms drop to her sides. "The sun and the moon curse isn't real."

The seven identical looks of confusion that locked onto her was funny.

Alex pushed her hair out of her eyes and explained, "It is a story made up by Klaus."

"Why would he make up a curse?" asked Bonnie.

"The curse is real," continued Alex, "it's just not a curse on vampires and werewolves. It's a curse on Klaus. Placed by a witch over a thousand years ago."

"What's the curse?" asked Stefan.

"Now that is a very complicated story," said Alex, "but simply put, he isn't just an original vampire. He's part werewolf too."

"He's both? Is that even possible?" asked Elena.

Damon scoffed. "No. You can be either a werewolf or a vampire. There's no both."

"Your naivety shows how little you really know, Damon," snipped Alex.

"If the curse doesn't let vampires walk in the sun or werewolves turn whenever they want, why would Klaus make up a story like that?" asked Caroline.

"To break the curse, you need to collect the ingredients that bound it together. And after a thousand years, things can get lost, stolen. The easiest way to find everything one needs to break a curse is to have everyone looking for it," said Alex.

"This sounds like bullshit to me," grumbled Damon.

"You can call it whatever you want. But Klaus hasn't even lifted a finger, and everything he needs to break the curse is here in Mystic Falls. Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, Doppelganger and the moonstone," Alex crossed her arms over her chest.

Damon walked around the couch to stand directly in front of Alex. He squinted his eyes at her. "How do you know about the moonstone?"

Alex noted that she probably shouldn't have blurted out that she knew that the moonstone was in Mystic Falls. They had no idea that she knew about Katherine or that Katherine was in the tomb, supposedly with the moonstone.

"It would surprise you how much I know," said Alex.

Damon scoffed. "Alright, enough. Elena, I don't care if you think this witch is your sister; I don't trust her."

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