Chapter 28 - Roses (The End)

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(Andy's Pov)
"Why didn't you tell me?" Rye asked me quietly sounding genuinely hurt. I opened my eyes and looked down, avoiding his intense gaze, guilt filling
my whole body.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could said right at this moment. I really should have told him but I just didn't want him to worry about stupid things which I can deal with, well not actually deal with it but you know. Rye then pulled me in for a long loving hug, holding me as tightly as possible to his body. I buried my face into his chest, sniffing his sweet scent. Roses.
"You smell like roses, Ryan."I whispered as I closed my eyes still holding him close to my body, not even willing to let him go. He chuckled slightly as he placed a quick kiss on my head making me smile because of the sweet action.
"I would never ever let anyone hurt you again baby." He whispered into my ear as shivers went through my whole body.

"I love you." The smile on my face stayed there like it was its favorite place.
"I love you too Ryan." I said quietly.
After few minutes of hugging I pulled away and gave Rye a small kiss in the corner of his perfectly shaped lips. He smiled.
"Bye baby, see ya at home." I said as he smiled and kissed me again, giving me a peck on the lips.
"See ya babe." He said and we went into different directions but both of us looking at the other as we were walking until he disappeared around the corner and in the schoolyard.


School was soooo boring as always. I was so tired, my head was hurting and my cheek was a bit red because of the bruise Jake made. My friends asked me what happened but I refused to tell them just because I didn't want any of them to worry about me. Rye is enough for this job. As I was walking with Shaun down the street my phone buzzed but l ignored it because now my best friend was more important. It was probably Rye, he'll understand me.
"And she said that she's not ready for this." He said frowning and bitting his lower lip looking at a cute couple walking on the opposite street. I put my hand on his shoulder in reassurance that I'm by his hide and let out a quick sigh.
"Shaun , you know she's a sensitive girl. You should just wait for her, ya know." I adviced him as he shook his head looking down at his feet as we walked slowly.
"I just.. I love her too much man, I want her to know that. I want to show her" He said still looking down at the black ground under our moving feet.

"She knows how much you love her. Don't worry." I said as we reached his house and stopped. He finally looked
up at me, wiping some tears that left his eyes. I sighed and smiled, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and let out a deep breath. I tapped his back as we pulled away.
"Should I talk to her tonight?" He asked me needing an advice. I thought for a moment. Was it going to be okay, if he calls her and tells her how much he really loves her? Or should he give her time so she can process their really strong feelings for each other?Maybe the second one, she's not stupid so... oh I dont know. I never had to give advice before as Sam and Luka already knew they liked each other and didnt have to ask to be together as it just kinda happened. Oh maybe that's what I should do have all of us together, make it less awkward.
"Talk to her tomorrow buddy. Give her some time alone and it's Friday tomorrow we can all go somewhere to eat just like a big date." I suggested as he smiled and shook his head still looking at my eyes.
"Yeah we can. Okay, text in the group chat so we can arrange it?" He said quietly as he started walking towards the door of his house. I nodded and walked away saying bye to him and headed to my house where Rye was waiting for me.

As I was walking I saw a gay couple walking on the opposite street. They were cute. One of them was short with ginger hair and shining green eyes. The boy, holding his hand tightly, their fingers intertwined, was a lot taller than him with brownish hair and dark eyes. He also had glasses. They looked really good standing next to each other. I wonder if me and Rye look cute together too? Maybe we do, I don't know. But as I think about our relationship, it's so crazy. When you think that everything started when he kidnapped me. I would never even thought that the love of my life would be my kidnapper. But he changed, he changed a lot. He smiles more, he laughs more, he looks more alive. I can see it in his eyes. Ever time I look at them, they shine, they are just so sparkling making him look even more beautiful than he already is. I don't even know how that is fucking possible but he's my baby, he's my boyfriend and he's the love of my life. I love him and he loves me and nothing and nobody can change that. My thoughts were interrupted by the view of my house. I went up to the door and unlocked it, going in.

"Ryeeee, I'm homeeee."I shouted, locking the front door and putting my bag on the floor next to the large mirror.I looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and putting some strawberry balsam on my dry lips. Then I heard footsteps and turned to see Rye in just his grey boxers. His brown curly hair now was like a messy nest. His eyes looked tired and puffy like he just woke up. Maybe he did. He looked hot. I started walking towards him, getting my Vans shoes off and leaving them on the cupboard next to the door. Once l reached him. he smiled and rubbed his eyes, yawning. I used the opportunity to wrap my arms tightly around his bare waist, pulling him close to my body. He instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and I buried my head into his warm bare chest and sniffed the sweet scent. Roses. We fit like a puzzle. Every inch of one another fits perfectly with each other. Oh I love him, so much, I never want to leave him and just to think I fell in love with my kidnapper. Rye is the sweetest boy, he battled my bullies, my demons and I battled his he would do a thing for me as I would do the same and I cant wait for what the future holds for us. Because it will always be us.

(Rye's pov)
God I love Andy so much, i want to be with him forever, have a long life with him, marry him yes marry him. I am so glad I have Andy and I will stop the bullies time and time again, I will do anything for him. For the boy who changed me, from a kidnapper to a lover, for the boy who showed me how to love again and I am forever grateful and I wouldnt have ever dreamed of saying this but I am glad I kidnapped Andy, I love him for eternity.
And it just goes to show a broken boy can find love again...

A broken boy can... be found. ❤
The End.

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