Chapter 16 - You Are Amazing

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~ 4 hours later... ~
(Rye's POV)
Suddenly I woke up in someone's arms. I opened my eyes and saw a small body on me, blonde soft hair, our legs tangled with one another. I smiled at the view of a sleeping Andy on my chest. Beautiful. I tried to stand up but I couldn't because I was afraid of waking him up. So I decided to stay like this for a while. I started caressing his hair gently, then I wrapped my arm around his waist. He was breathing slowly, I could feel his chest moving with mine up and down as we breathe. After few minutes I really needed to pee. So I was thinking of a way to go to the bathroom without waking him up. I tried so carefully to move him away from me but it all ended in me falling on the ground and Andy waking up . Ugh stupid Ryan.
"Baby?" He asked me with his tired voice as I looked at him and smiled awkwardly.
"Hey sorry for waking you up, I didn't meant to but I need to pee." I said as he giggled and then closed his eyes again, turning his head on the other side and probably falling asleep again.

I smiled and stood up, going to the bathroom. Yes. While I was walking through the corridor I noticed that there was no one in the house except us. Hmm that was weird. When I came back into Andy's room , he was awake and was sat up in the bed doing something on his phone . He looked at me as I walked in.
"Guess what." Andy said as he looked at me excited. I smiled and sat next to him. "I don't know, tell me." I said and made him lay with me, he cuddled as fast as he could into my chest, holding me tightly. I wrapped my arm around his small body and kissed his head softly.
"My parents are out, in a restaurant and we will be alone almost all night." He whispered as he bit his lip looking so innocently in my eyes. I chuckled, looking at his beautiful blue eyes.
"Well then tonight will be fun baby." I whispered as he smiled and buried his head into my neck. He started kissing it softly. When he bit it gently I stopped him.

"Not yet baby." I said as he giggled bitting his bottom lip again. "Let's make something to eat and then watch a movie." I asked him few minutes later as he nodded his head smiling at me.
"But what about the special thing?" He asked me as a smirk creeped into my lips.
"Later." I whispered as he smiled, his cheeks went red as he hid his face from me. I chuckled and shook my head. Awww he was adorable. After 20 minutes of just cuddling and him kissing my neck we decided to go and make some food. He decided to make spaghetti and I was going to make a salad. While he was putting the spaghetti into the cup with boiled water I went to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.
"Hey." He said and I could tell he was smiling, I smiled too as I kissed the back of his neck.
"You are amazing." I whispered as he shook his head leaving the spaghetti into the cup.

"No, I am not." He refused to believe me. I then hugged him even more tightly just to show him that I mean it.
"You are." I whispered insisting on my words. He just giggled and turned to me. He cupped my face with his small hands and gave me a peck on the lips.
"You are even more amazing." He whispered looking into my eyes and then back to my lips...
I leaned in as I connected our lips in a long kiss. I didn't want to pull away but I had to because of the spaghetti. He continued making them as I made the salad. After we put everything on the table on his parents beautiful white plates, we sat on the chairs and started eating. I have never had plates like this, neither food as delicious as this, it's so weird to be in a house which belongs to a rich family.
"What are you thinking about baby?" Andy suddenly asked me wanting to know if I was okay. I looked at him as I smiled instantly.

"Thank you for everything." I whispered as he smiled and looked at his plate.
"Don't be modest you know you helped me a lot Andy." I said as I put my hand on the table for him to put his on it. He smiled looking at it as he took my hand intertwining our fingers. Our eyes met in seconds as we shared smiles. Then we started eating again letting each others hands go. He is just perfect ya know. I looked at him while he was eating the salad I made. His hair was soft, he was looking at me through his long black eyelashes, his ocean blue eyes sending shivers down my spine and his amazing lips... I could be with him forev - No Ryan remember your boundaries, rules just look away. But I can't...
"So tell me something funny that happened in your past baby." I suddenly said staring at him trying to ignore my thoughts. He smiled as he gulped the bite of cucumber that was still in his mouth.
"Well there was this one time that I lost my favourite T - Shirt and I rang to the police asking them to find it for me." He told me as he started laughing and I did too.

"Stupid little Andy." I said smiling at him, his cheeks went red because of the laughing and his eyes were shining brightly making me chuckle. "Or this time when me and Mikey went to a big house at the end of the town with a pool next to it and jumped into it with our clothes on. It was hella funny." He said laughing madly. Aww he was so cute with this huge smile on his face.
Smut in next chapter stay tuned...

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