Chapter 21 - The Other Side Of Andy

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(Rye's POV)
A loud knocking on Andy's door woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around me. Andy was in my arms sleeping peacefully, our legs tangled
in one another. He was so beautiful.
"Open the door Andrew." His father's voice dragged me back to reality as I jumped a little because of the sudden raising. I turned to Andy as he was snoring quietly. I didn't want to wake him up but I had to. To be honest I was scared from his father.
"Baby, baby wake up." I whispered as I touched him on the shoulder few times but he was still asleep. Ugh. Then I kissed him on the forehead, hoping that this will wake him up.
"Baby."I whispered again as he opened his eyes slightly and looked at me with a smile on his face.
"Hey."I whispered as he closed his eyes again, groaned and turned his head on the other side.
"Babe, your father is on the door, you have to open it." I whispered as he just sighed and rubbed his eyes, sitting up in the bed.

He stood up from the bed and went to unlock the door. When he opened it, his father was staying there
looking at both of us angry.
"What the hell happened yesterday night?" He almost shouted at Andy's face. Andy just snapped his head towards me locking eyes with me for seconds and then quickly turning towards his father's gaze again.
"...W-we..nothing father." He said looking down at his feet. He started playing with
his fingers nervously as his father tried to calm down a bit but he couldn't, for sure. Then the thoughts of him kicking me out started filling my head like it was
the only way out of this mess. What if Andy gets grounded because of me? What if his father just gets angry and doesn't let Andy see me ever again? Omg
cant even think what l am going to do if I ever stop seeing Andy..
"Then what is this condom in the bin? Can you explain that to me Andrew?"
that to me Andrew?" His father's voice was echoing in the whole building, sending shivers to my body, making me regret that I agreed to go to his house at
first place.

Andy didn't say anything, he just was looking guilty at his feet, fidgeting with his short slim fingers, probably trying to make some stupid excuse When he didn't say anything his father just sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do. We should had been more careful.
"Did you two have sex last night?" suddenly his father asked, the disgust slowly slipping out from his mouth
as fast as the words came out of his lips. I instantly looked down blushing as I tried to hold back the tears that wanted so bad to come out and roll down my
cheeks, I wanted to let it all out. Then I slowly looked up at Andy waiting for his response to this. He was really angry by now. He clenched his jaw and his before shaky hands made fists, even his knuckles became white.
"Why can't you just accept me for who
I am?" Andy whispered quietly trying to hold the burning fire inside him. I have never seen him that angry.

I just can't imagine this little cutie being an angry beast but ya know when it comes to my boyfriend everything is possible.
"What?" his father asked him as if he hadn't heard him. This made Andy lose it. He looked up at his father, the veins on his neck popping up, his jaw was clenching and the anger in him raising. Call me whatever you want but that side of Andy for some reason turns me on.
"Why can't you fucking accept me for who I truly am? Is it that hard for you? Just to accept your wife's son? If you wat to be my father, then please be one and don't shout at me for wanting to share my time, my life and even myself with someone I love! If you really
are willing to behave like a father to me please let me be happy with my boyfriend and yes he IS my
boyfriend, deal with it!" Andy stated shouting at his father's face straight away. No fear this time, no worries, no shivering, no stuttering, nothing. The fact
that he did say 'someone I love' sent shivers down my spine. H-He l-loves me...

"Now please just go out of my room and leave us alone..".he said this time quietly and a little more calmly than before. His father was speechless, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing
came out. He just closed it, gulped and nodded looking at his feet. He spun on his heels and went out of the room. Andy immediately closed it with a loud
slam and locked it. His back now was facing me. I couldn't tell what his facial expression was, but I knew it wasnt anything good. Andy's words still
affected me and I couldn't think straight but I had to be strong and not overthink it. Maybe he just said he loved me because he wanted his father to go out of the room, right? Right...

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