Chapter 23 - He Doesnt Feel The Same

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(Rye's POV)
"No, Rye you got it all wrong." He gently said making me look at him confused.
"I love you"' He said quietly making me gasp a little.
"Andy... I-I." I started saying but he cut me off by kissing my lips softly. The kiss was few seconds long but it made me feel so good. When he pulled away he
pressed his forehead on mine and we both closed our eyes.
"You don't have to say anything baby, I know you don't feel the same. I just needed to say it to you, Rye and I don't expect you to even try to feel the same,
okay?" He said quietly making me shake my head and smile both of us still with closed eyes.
"Thank you." I whispered as he kissed my lips once more and then stood up from my lap and went towards the door. "I'll go and dress for school, you can sleep more if you want to." He said before going out of the room. I smiled and just collapsed on the bed. Oh my god. He loves me. He loves me for real, I just can't believe it. Why the hell he loves me? He can't love me.

He is lying to me like everyone did. I can't believe he did it too. I just can't, I can't. My thoughts were running fast in my mind, like they were on a race. I wanted them to stop, I needed to focus on something good but right now there wasn't anything good in my head. So l just closed my eyes and breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down a bit.
Breathe, Ryan, breathe. Suddenly my eyes felt so heavy and I relaxed. I knew was going to fall asleep so I just let myself do it. I can't believe that he lied to me too...
(Andy's POV)
Maths class. I hate it like for real. I just can't stand that stupid subject. Not because I'm not good in it, just because I don't like searching for logic in things. I
don't like trying to solve something over and over again with the exact same formula, exact same methods. This is clearly not for me. Of course, my mind wasn't focus on the teachers voice anyway so it filled with thoughts about everything that happened in the morning.

First I just shouted at my father, second I admitted that me and Rye are together, third I told Rye I love him. Oh god. I know he doesn't feel the same and maybe he will never but to be honest I wish he could love me the way I love him. I mean, of course, I wish that and l know it will be so hard to even get close to loving when it's about him, but won't give up. I will never give up on him. He is like my world right now. He is everything I have ever needed, wanted, craved. I just-
"Andrew?" The teacher's voice dragged me back to reality. I looked at him and then around me. The classroom was empty. Fuck I have zoned out.
"Yes sir?" I asked calmly, putting my books and notebooks in my bag, getting ready to go out of that hell and see
my beautiful boyfriend again.
"Are you okay?" He asked me quietly as I nodded my head and smiled at him, going out of the room, leaving him there. I know he is worried but Maths and school are not my life, right?

So I went out of the school, met with my friends, talked for a bit and then left the schoolyard alone. It was strange that Rye wasn't there, I thought he'd come. Oh well maybe he's still asleep or is tired. I don't know and I won't let anxiety get me this time. So I walked alone along the street that leads to my
house. I unlocked the door and came in. "I'm home"I shouted, waiting for an answer but never received one. Hmm strange. I took my shoes off, locked the
front door and went upstairs to my room. When l came in it, I just dropped my bag as soon as I saw the view in front of me. Omg.
Rye was standing at the corner of my room, tears streaming down his face, his hands were shaking as he was trying to control the sobs which didn't stop
escaping his soft lips. Oh my baby. "Rye?" I carefully made a step as he shook his head and continued
"I hate it, I hate it. Please let me run away
please, don't be here just go away leave me alone, please.

He begged me as his voice started shaking and his eyes started flling with fresh new tears. My name escaped his lips softly when I stepped towards him and he made a step backwards. Shaking his head slightly, his lips were little parted, deep breaths escaping his mouth all of this just because of the sweet three words I said, all because of my try to show him that he is enough, that he is more than enough, that he is not wrong, that he is perfect but unfortunately I massively failed at it, I just broke him even more, I broke him, I hurt him, I don't deserve him.
"Ryan, please let me help you"I whispered as he shook his head and turned his back towards me. I immediately hugged him from behind and he with no hesitation turned to me, wrapped his arms around me and held me as tightly as possible. My baby.
"I'm sorry. He whispered. I looked at him as I shook my head.
"Don't be, you have no fault in this. I am sorry for trying to-" I said not sure how to end that sentence.

So l just stayed silent hugging him even more. Rye cried silently on my shoulder as we both were holding onto each other tightly.
"Please don't cry baby" I whispered trying to comfort him by rubbing his back gently.
"I'm really sorry." I said once more as
he shook his head and kissed my neck. When his soft, wet from the tears, lips touched my sensitive skin, shivers went through my body as he continued doing
it. I pulled away looking at his eyes. I cupped his face in my small hands and wiped gently the tears away. He smiled closing his eyes but then immediately
opening them. We bot stared at each others eyes for like eternity.
"I can look at those beautiful eyes forever..."

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