Chapter 11 - Unlock His Heart

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(Rye's POV)
"Yeah when he was little he used to write his own songs and his own music, it was his passion..." Andy's mom told me with a bright smile on her face, when she was talking about Andy she was so happy, her face lit up and her gorgeous smile grew.
"But?" Iasked quietly still sitting on that black painted wooden chair in their big white kitchen. After putting the plates into the cupboard and closing it, she turned to me and sighed looking down.
"He stopped after me and Jerry got married." She said, her head still hanging low, her voice fading away and the big bright smile on her face turning into just a memory. I looked at my hands, I didn't know what exactly to say at this moment, I have never been good at expressing my feelings. When I was little I learnt how to push my emotions inside before locking them in a cage and throwing the key of my heart far away from this world.
"Maybe you will unlock Andy's cold heart."

Suddenly the lady's voice dragged me back to reality. I looked at her confused and surprised, how can she say that I am able to unlock his heart. I fucking kidnapped him... oh god... and she has no clue about that... no one does. Why is he so kind to me? Why is he ready to hide from everyone what happened just because I asked him to? He is just amazing...
"Rye?" Andy's mom called me bringing me back to the well known world. I looked at her and faked a smile just because my mind was full of questions. "Yeah I... I don't think I can be the one to open his heart again I am not... I am not as perfect as you think I am." I said quietly looking at her eyes as her lips creeped into a smile again as she came to me. She gave me a hug and held me closer to her body. I felt... safe. I've never felt that kind of safety before. I don't remember hugging my parents but now I feel warmth, understanding. Love. Then she pulled away as she grabbed my hands and held them tightly.

"Thank you for being there for him and making him smile again, he has not smiled like this for years." She said quietly with a smile on her face. My eyes filled with tears when she said those words. Trust me I am not the one who makes him happy... he makes me... She hugged me again as few tears fell down on my cheeks. "I want to stay and talk to you but I have to go to work, go and get Andy from school, he finishes school at 1 p.m. today." She said as she pulled away from the hug. I wiped the tears away , looking her confused.
"But he didn't say he want me to get him." I said as she turned to me again and smiled putting her hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, he wants it, I know my son very well." She said and winked at me as I giggled and nodded. She then went and got her phone. Before going out of the house she turned to me and smiled waving for a goodbye. I smiled and waved too. Then she went out of the house, locking the door and leaving me there alone. So what should I do now alone in this big house?

I stood up from the chair and went out of the kitchen to the bathroom. I brushed my, washed my face and got a quick shower. Before going out of the room I looked in the mirror. All I could see there was a reflection of a lost shadow of a person whose heart had been shattered a while ago and can't be mended again, a person whose life turned upside down and has been in this way for too long, a person who is lost, out of reach, alone. I
instantly shook my head trying to get rid off the thoughts that I had non stop. I went out of the bathroom and went to Andy's room. I decided to look around and see what he has. Of course I saw all the books and diaries he had on the shelves on the wall next to the door. I went to look at them, they all were love novels or adventure stories. There were some sci - fi books but not as many as I expected. The diaries were a lot. I know I shouldn't read them but one of them got my attention almost immediately. The front cover was black with a little drawn beautiful rainbow with hearts next to it. I smiled at how cute it was and knowing that it was Andy's, made it even cuter.

I took it from there and sat on the bed. I opened it carefully, not wanting to accidently do something wrong. I went through the pages, they all were full of songs, poems, stories, everything and then I almost was at the end of it when I saw my name on one of the pages. I was kinda surprised to be honest. So I opened on that page and started reading. All I can say is I can't believe what I just read...

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