Yandere Izuku x Shy Reader (1/2)

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PLEASE READ THIS: So I have had uncontrollable twitching in my right hand. When I type, draw or hold my phone, it starts to shake. I'm slightly scared because my dad and grandpa both have a series of high blood pressure,(genetic)and this is one of the symptoms. Iv had shaking for the past 15 hours, and this happens every day. Does anyone have any clues is to whats happening? Please tell me.

Sorry this chapter came out late! Iv been catching up on school work since I was gone for a week!

requested by Erinacandleton !

" Are you sure about this?" I warily questioned my friend. He turned to look at me, red eyes gleaming.

"I'm sure they will all like you. Now, we should leave  if we don't want to be late." Tokoyami said as he reached to open the door. "I suppose so. Sorry. I'm just nervous." I stepped out the door, looking at the lovely sky. It was a mix of pinks and purples, so pleasing to the eyes. I put my bag straps on my shoulders as we begun are walk.


While walking down the sidewalk, I began to get a funny feeling in my gut. I Kinda got lightheaded and dizzy. 'What if they think I'm ugly? What if they think I'm stupid? What if my quirk is stupid?? What if-'

"Were here." Tokoyami informed me, breaking my thoughts. I stared in aw at the large school. The windows were perfectly shined, no weeds what so ever, and it just had a Royalty feeling. Students littered the court yard, talking to each other or finishing up late homework.

We stepped through the large gates and made our way through the streams of students. 

'These quirks are so cool!' I though to myself, watching a kid electrify himself. The entrance doors opened, showing the interior of the school. It was a long hallway with signs saying what rooms were what, which a large pair of stairs in the front. Fumikage and I walked silently through the halls, and up the long flight of stairs.

When we reached the top, I could feel my heart beat increase. Pounding against my chest, I could hear it through my ears. My hands began to get clammy, and my mouth dry.

'Why am I so nervous now?! Suck It up' I told my inner thoughts. Students walked into the large pair of doors with the '1-A sign above it.

He opened the door, as I slowly walked in. Many pairs of eyes landed on me, making me stop moving. The bell rung as the last students came rushing in, everyone taking there seats. I stood in the front of the room, awkwardly glancing at everyone. A kid with bright red hair smiled at me, making a small smile appear on my face.

A man came walking into the room, his movements very slow. He slouched over to his desk and sat down, turning to the class. "Everyone meet Y/N, she will inspecting our class for the next few weeks, to help with quirk control and other movements. Everyone treat her with high respect and listen to her." I smiled slightly and gripped my hands together, to help calm my nervous feeling.

"As he said, my name is Y/N L/N, but you may call me Y/N. I am a learning quirk specialist, and wish to learn and help you with your quirk, whether that be controlling, power, and so on." I smiled at the class, and continued to stand.


The silence in the room started to make me feel uncomfortable. Are they all deaf? As I was thinking, a hand raised into the air.

I shifted my eyes over to the young boy with green and black hair. "Excuse me, but what is your quirk?" He asked timidly. 

"Um o-of course! My quirk is teleportation. Its not really the most powerful quirk, but it helps a lot to get around quickly!" I looked at the spot next to him and instantly moved there, making the kids near him yelp.

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