Izuku x Reader- The Games PT 2/2

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Ochako! You both smiled at each other before booking it to the next flight of stairs.  The two of you decided to make a plan, so when you get near the bomb, she would float, so you could use the wind to push her to the  bomb. You could hear metal clanging againts the ground so you  hid aound the corner. You look around, to see Katsuki smirking with his arm pointed straight at you two. You were off to the side, while ochako was standing in the middle staring right at Katsuki. "URARAKA MOVE!!!" you yelled, probaly alerting Izuku where you all were. " Im not lettin any extras beat me!." He said, before pulling the trigger.

Everything went in slow mo. You could either run away and leave her, or help. You ran as fast as you could toward her, but it felt like you were going super slow. You used your quirk to boost yourself towards her. You quickly hugged Uraraka in a death grip before before being exploded into a wall. you couldnt move. everything hurt like hell, but that wasnt going to stop you. You wobbly stood up to see Katsuki walking down the hall, Eyes red with anger and desire.

"Y/N! YOU MUST GET OUT OF THERE. KATSUKI WONT LISTEN TO ME, AND YOU BOTH ARE SEVERIALLY HURT." All might yelled into the mic. You nodded before trying to pick her up. Too heavy. "Ochako, use your quirk on yourself, im bringing us to saftey." You whispered in her ear. She noddded, to hurt to reply, and started to float. Izuku came down the hallway, clearly unaware of what happend, and was ready to kick some ass. You grabbed her, and ran as quick as you could down the hallway to the nearest window.

You used her as a hammer, and broke the window. You jumped out, barely missing Katsukis punch, and used your quirk to fly over buildings. When you got back to the U.A, everyone was huddled around, waiting for your arrival. You landed on the ground with a thud, causing everyone to look your way. You fell on the ground, exaughested and hurt, dropping Ochako. "Did we win?" you asked looking up at all might. "we will see when you wake up." He said before everything went dark, and you passed out.

You woke up in recovery girls room, with Ochako in the next bed. She was still asleep, so you decided to try and rest up.


Izuku's POV owowowowowowoo new change 

"Is that cheating?" I asked Kacchan as he yelled at the girls through the window. He didn't answer and instead jumped after them. Mabey I was a bit harsh on y/n. I should of just asked her if its true before jumping to conclusions. I really fucked up the time. I jumped out the window, using my quirk to boost in the air.

When I made it back to the U.A, kacchan was getting scolded while recovery girl wheeled away Ochako and Y/n. I rushed to her side but recovery girl said they don't want to be bothered right now. Am I really a bother? I questioned myself as I went to go to talk to Iida.

Your POV 

Something was poking at my lips.( wink wonk) I slightly opened my eyes to see recovery girl trying to get me to take some medicine. I hesitantly opened my mouth, yet for her to shove it down my throat making me choke and cough. She sat up and walked over to Ochako, only to do the same thing. We each laughed and started making weird faces at each other, making me laugh even more. Causing me to clutch my side in pain.

We heard thudding of shoes down the hall before Izuku burst in panting. Ochako smiled at him, while I just glared, still mad at him for accusing me of saying something like that. "May I speak to Y/n alone?" He asked recovery girl, before Ochako wobbly stood up and walked out. We each stared at each other before he spoke.

" I wanna say I'm sorry for what I did at the games. It was very wrong and immature for me to accuse you of doing something I didn't even see. But do you really hate me and all that crap." He said eyes teary. 

"why would I hate you? Your my best guy friend... a-nd m-maybe something m-more in my e-eyes." You said almost whispering the last part.

I think his heart just exploded. He stared at me smiling as bright as the sun. " I feel the same way." He said while caressing your thumb. "Y-Y/n, w-would you l-like to be my g-g-girlfriend?" He asked while looking down. " I would love too."

10 years later

" And that's how I met your mother." Izuku explained

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