Who u gonna call? a priest :|

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I woke up from a beam of light hitting my face and someone moving next to me. Someone was moving next to me. Someone was next to me!! In my fucking bed! I did a quick clothe check to make sure i didnt do any stupid decitions before even looking at who was next to me. I saw dark short hair. ZAK? nooo its a girl. Only now i started getting flashbacks from last night and damn , no wonder i was so hungover. I tried to make my way over to my kitchen for a glass of water.But she stopped me from getting up and smiled at me wirh her messy , sunlit hair.
"Ill get it " she said and got up. She waa in her underwear. White boxers and a calvin klein sports bra. Only now i realised that i dont remember her name so i tried pulling off the oldest trick in the book.  She came back with a glass of water and i spoke
"Hey uhm, i  think you forgot to do something" and handed her my phone opened in save new number.
"I know you forgot my name" she said as she was putting in her phone number. Damn i busted myself that quick
"I-" i treid to speak and make an excuse before she interupted me.
"I know, you were very drunk. It was kind of funny though, you called me Rita, Hayley, Zak, Robyin. Pretty entertaining. " she said and smiled as i was blushing harddd.
"No worries, my name is Evelin by the way and i should really get going now" -she said as she noticed the clock on the wall. I felt a bit upset about her leaving, although i didnt even know her name untill just now.
She started putting her jeans and t shirt back on as i just laid back on my back in the bed. Suddently she jumped on top of me and scared me.
"Dont do that, my heart almost left my body" i said and laughed while actually my heart was racingbecause of being in her pin.
"You are adorable" she said and gave me a quick peck on the lips and got up right after. We said goodbye and i was left alone. For the first time since rehab i was finally alone. Felt nice but i also couldnt help to not remember all the things i did to myself here and while alone. I should really move but to do that, i need a job and GAC is not an option even tho the money was sometimes worth it. It seems crazy how i just got out and my life is already spinning out of control and it turns out that i guess i m bisexual. Woah...

Next day

"You need to come back, the show is going down and people watched more when we had you. I really think that Zak wouldnt mind aswell, i mean it wo-" Aaron spoke to me in a cafe that was located at a hotel they were staying at. They- GA crew. He was suddently interupted by a voice coming from behind me. Zak
"In fact ,June , you dont have a choice. You have to come back" -he said in a serious cocky voice. What was with this man??? Every damn day he was a different person bit yet my heart still skipped a  beat when our eyes met. He seemed angry and i was hella confused.
"What?" I asked
"You heard me , dont play dumb. Your contract ,unfortunatley, is signed for minimum 5 years. The 3 years you left count too so dont worry, 12 months and you can leave again. " -he said with hate. It seemed almost like i had killed his dog and hurt his familly. Damn this man  hated me. After he spat that , he left and mumbled something else under his breath.
Me and Aaron were again left in schock.
"I m not 100 % sure but i think he got somethimg attached to him last week. He has been acting nuts but the good news is that you are back" He said and gave me that warm smile in the end. I smiled too but i relaised that this was going to be a bloodbath, between me and Zak.

Later that day i was all packed up and back at the hotel. If i was going on a lockdown, i had to stay in the same place as the crew. Whick ofcourse sucked .We all ate dinner together except Zak who just never showed up. My mind was racing, i was honestly worried about him. This was all as if every piece of fellin towards him was slowly coming back to me. SLOWLY. I said goodbye to the guys and left to the elevator to get to my room. I pressed the button and the doors almost onstantly slided open revealing a man. It was Zak of course and his head was hanging down. He really did seem wierd. Like this was not one of his moodswings. We stood in silence till the doors opened on my floor. I got out and so did he. Okay, great, we have the same floor , just great. I unlocked my doors and walked in. Zaks big body entered the room before i could shut the doors. He enetered and stood in the middle of the room.
"Zak? This is not your room. " isaod softly and slowly made my way over to him.
"I know"  he said in a deep and serious voice.
"Do you want to talk or something? Say something? "I asked again. Hell no  i didnt wabt to talk to him but i needed to get the huge man out of my room.
Silence. He didnt reply. I saw his fists clench up and i got a flashback of Zak hurting me when he was affected by spirits. I instantly started panicking and ran to my door. So did he. I barely made it and locked the door behind me. I heard him hitting the doors with rage .
"You fucking cunt. I will get you, ill destroy you , ill end you" he screamed.  These words hit harder than alcohol on an empty stomach. I listened and let a few tears fall down. With the tear, a piece of my feelings for Zak returned , i felt empathy now. This was not him.
As i cried and listened at his raging, i saw Jay coming from the hallway. He saw me sitting and ran over to me. I explained it all and he didnt even bother listening to mt whole story, he instantly called a priest. This reallt was an emergency and the priest was on his way.
This will be a long night.
For him. I m foing to bed.
Wait , fuckkkk he is in my room ...
This will be a long night.

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