Not all roses

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I woke up from my phone ringing. Then my eyes went to the empty bed. All there was, was a note and a pair of clothes on the chair. I put the note aside and put on a T- shirt and quickly anwsered the call.
"Goodmorning, is this June? "- a deep male voice said.
"My name is , Jack. The manager of the "Prado" art museum. We have seen some of your art and our kritics find it rather extraordinary. Our decision was to give you a chance to showcase your artworks at our museum. Of course if you are willing to. "- he said.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. PRADO?? THATS INSANE. This better not be joke cause i m going to rip my hair out if it is.
"Yes, yes of course. Thank you."- i said trying to keep calm and not scream.
"We'll email you the details soon. Have a nice day, ma'am."- he said and dropped the call not even letting me anwser. I fell with my face in the pillow and creamed. These had to be the 2 of the best days i've had. But if you remember - life hates me.  And i knew that soon something was about to go down.

***After the lockdown***

We got back from the lockdown at 5 am and Zak instantly fell into the bed. The lockdown was intense and we both were deeply affected by the spirits.
"Zak? Could we get something from the room service? I m starving." - i said approaching and touching his arm. I really was starving but to the point where i felt like i was barely functioning. Last time  i ate was that night with Zak and i knew i couldn't go any longer without food. Zak growled and snatched his hand away from mine.
"Not now."- he growled with his face in the pillow.
"Are you okay? "
"Yeah i m fine." - he spat back angrily . This was the point i should've left him alone, i should've known what was about to happen.
"Do you need anything? Or maybe you -"
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME? HUH? ?"- he jumped up and screamed in my face. I took a step back.
"A KISS?" - he screamed and roughly kissed me. I could honestly say- i was scared.
"A HUG?" He screamed again and hugged me tightly. Way too tight. I felt something  crack and a sharp pain covered my chest area.
"NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" - he screamed and stormed into the bathroom. I knew something wasnt right. My intuition told me to get out and i did. As i was walking over to Aarons room i realised- i can't breathe. HOLLY SHIT. I CAN'T BREATHE. The pain hit me again like a ton of bricks and i collapsed in front of Aarons door. I gathered all the strength i had and knocked on the door. Everything was getting blurry and i saw Aaron stand above me. I couldn't see his face , i could just tell that he was picking me up from the floor. My body went limp in his hands as everything went black.

I took a deep painful breath. There was something on my face and i could hear the heart monitor beeping. Another painful breath and i gathered my strenght to open my eyes. A bright light hit my face. Did i finally die? No, worse. I was in a hospital. Noone was in my room but it had a glass wall and i could see people. My eyes focused and i saw people who i wasn't expecting. My mom, my gran, Zak and Aaron. They all looked worried and tired. Zak was resting with his elbows on his knees and rubbing his face. i put my hand up and saw 3 tubes in my wrist. Zak saw me move and jumped up against the glass. I just looked at him with a blank expression. I saw a doctor approach Zak and move him away from the door so he could get in.
-"Ahh, Youre up!" The doctor said checking the monitors.
"Why am i here?"- i said in a weak voice only now realising that i had a breathing tube in my mouth.
"I ll tell you everything you need to know but for now just better don't speak. "-he said. I knodded as much as i could - which wasn't much.
"You were apparently attacked and the attack ended in you having 6 broken ribs. Reason why you couldn't breathe was cause the broken ribs stabbed your loungs. Good thing - the guy that took you here was quick. If you would have been held unconscious for much longer- you wouldn't be here right now. "
"What attack?" - i mumbled.
"Temporarily memory loss, i see . Remember your name?" - he asked. I nodded and took a breath trying not to panic.
"Thats all you should know now.  Right now you need to rest ."- he said and exited the room. The doctor ssid something to Zak and then walked away. He opened the door and slowly made his way over to my bed.
"I know you can't talk. Also i don't even know what to say exactly. You don't remember what happened?" - i weakly shook my head and he looked down at the floor and sat down in a chair next to me
"I m sorry...and i know that when you find out you wont forgive me."- he said and kissed my hand.
"I love you and i m sorry." he said and got up from the chair. He kissed my forehead and exited the room. I was now scared ,confused and in a hospital for some reason. My life is going great.


Hey, guys. Thank you so much for being patient and reading. I m sorry i haven't updated in a while. School n stuff. But i m not leaving this story. - thats a promise.
Also i would appreciate if you would check out my friends (LoveAddictt) book - BEVERLY. It's a sad but a beautiful story about a girl who is going trough struggles and well - not going to spoil it but it's great :)


OUR STORY (Zak Bagans fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن