Not only wet, but soaked.

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       The last two months have been nothing but growth for the both of us, the first meetings and lockdowns were hard, awkward even, but we both kept our promises. We kept it professional. There were times when the air felt tense and I could tell that he wanted to drag me through the mud, but other times - tension. Tension that made me think that it wasn't over after all. But all of those situations made me feel proud of him, how he could control himself from outbursting. He had grown and evolved ,and maybe if it wasn't for the hardships we went through, he would still be a pretty shitty man. One thing i knew for sure is that he still felt jealousy. I could see it in his eyes if I were ever to be seen with a guy that wasn't from the GAC. These small, but noticeable details kept him alive in my mind 24/7.

The last three lockdowns felt normal, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Me and Zak were finally able to freely work together and even get a few laughs in. If we would have kept it at that pace, god knows what would have come out of it. But now , out of thin air, Zak is announcing his new girlfriend. He even made it quite public by commenting on her instagram picture, fans instantly noticed. Yes i had found Laura on all socials and yes i was stalking her, hoping to find imperfections or a reason to hate her. There weren't any and that made me even more frustrated.She was really pretty, seemed like a nice person and had a great body, i was totally overshadowed. It was time to admit that I was jealous. Actually, I was also selfish. I had kept Zak in my mind and heart this whole time, but did I ever put in an effort or gave him some signs? No, and now that he is taken by someone who actually wants him, my blood is boiling like he had just cheated on me,

My self control had improved ,but I was not ready to be in a room with those two lovebirds. But here we were , sitting at the GAC office. This was a work meeting and i could not shake the feeling that he had taken her with him on purpose. Trying to look normal made me look more odd than usual, i dropped my pen too many times, almost slipped off the chair, got tongue tied after each sentence, it was a disaster. Worst of all -a noticeable disaster. It wasn't like she was jumping in his lap and bothering us, not at all. It was the subtle things that got me, like holding hands, rubbing her thigh, resting her chin on him and so on. The meeting was about next week, pretty much the same shit as usual- haunted, possibly demonic entities, asbestos and so on. It felt like forever, all i could hear or see was them. I felt like the walls were closing in on me when finally i heard
''Well if noone has any questions , then thats it for today, i will send out the sources and yea, thank you guys for coming"- Zak spoke. I was the first one who grabbed my jacket and headed out of there.
''June , will i see you tonight?" - Aaron asked
''See me where?"
"Oh i m so sorry, I forgot to text you! I m doing a little get together tonight at my place, would be nice if you'd come."- he said as i was already slowly backing out.
"Ugh, im not sure yet, but i will let you know soon, okay?" i told him. It was a lie, i m not going if i have to sit and look at Zak and Laura all night.
As I unlocked my car , Zak appeared out of nowhere, we had parked next to each other. He was about to get in but then leaned over his car and looked at me with a stupid smile.i was searching my purse for keys.
"What?" I asked , noticing his stare.
"Laura won't come to Aaron's tonight " he announced. He was in a goofy mood today, but it's better than angry Bagans.
"And? If you are trying to imply something -"I said but was cut off by Zak.
"I see it, June. Six pen drops per meeting is out of character for you, it's usually three." he laughed.
"I'm just stressed, have not been sleeping well, nothing to do with your fantasies mr Bagans." i said and shot him a look.
"Whatever it is ,just take a nap and come tonight, okay?" he asked. He actually seemed sincere.
"Yea we'll see " i said, got in my car and drove off. I watched Zak in my rear mirror as i drove off. This man was confusing me and i did not know how to feel about it. Was he happy that i am jealous? Why would it even matter if they are so happy. I am losing my mind.
Today brought me a lot to process and as hoped, i managed to take my well deserved nap only to be woken up by more problems.

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