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I knew something would happen. Life was going too well for me. I finally got to do what i want, i got my art shown at the art gallery and i was happy. But life broke it all down for me . All i wanted to do was be happy, is that too much to ask? And as much as i wanted to be with Zak i simply just couldn't. Life was cruel , making me suffer every time it was possible. It had gotten to the point where i m suicidal. I know, i have a lot of issues. That's why i didn't have a boyfriend...i guess i just have too many issues to be loved. Sounds sad and horrible but in this case it was the truth.
I woke up but didn't open my eyes yet. I knew i was home by the smell of paint and the softness of my bed. I heard people around me. Someone was holding my hand.I got my all my strength and opened my eyes . Next to me was sitting David and he was the one holding my hand for some reason. At the end of my bed was my dad .
He asked me if i was okay and then he left since David was here watching over me.
"Why are you holding my hand you ,dork? "- i laughed trying to block out everything that had happened.
"Doing you a favor"- he said and let let my hand go.
"Zak is totally into you.I did an experiment."
"Oh no ,David. What the hell did you do?"
"Well first of all your hand is sweaty and gross. " -he said while wiping his hand against my bed sheets.
"I know but what did you do?"
"When we got you back home i knew Zak would follow us so i got all my gayness together and acted as straight as possible and held your hand. You should have seen his face when he saw me holding your hand. I thought i was going to get attacked but instead he stormed out the room . And now we know for sure. Hes into you." - he laughed and gave me a wink.
"You really had to do that ,didn't you? Now you got my hopes up even though i know damn well its not possible."
"Whaaatt? Omg ,i knew you had a thing for him. Wait, no why is it not possible? "
"David, are you fucking kidding me? I have sooo many issiues that he wont understand. Also who wants a girlfriend who cuts herself and could jump off a bridge at any second? And also you need to see what he said." -i said and pulled out my laptop. I pulled out a youtube video of -Ghost Adventures Documentary. I skipped the video to 4:22 , played it and turned it to David who was now lying next to me. Zak in the video was talking about a prostitute who slit her wrists in the bathroom. And the video was now on 5:20. David paused the video and looked at me.
"So what? He was just talking about what happened, he didn't say anything judgmental."
I turned away from him
"Watch."- i said and played the video again. At 5:27 he started to make fun of the ghost and said - "Come and get me ghost ! Look i m slitting my wrists just like you did ha ha ha haha" (yes that video actually exists.)
"Com on, June, that was like years ago. He probably doesn't think that way anymore. "
"We don't know that..."i said. After that i told him what happened at Zak's house and everything he was missing out on. Of course i cried too because my grandpa had just passed. After 2 hours of talking i asked him to leave and let me rest. He left and i went to shower and change clothes.I picked my phone up to see if i had any texts. I only had 3...and from Zak.
"Hey, i m really sorry about what happened."
"Call me when you can so i know you're okay ."
"I m here if you need anything "
It was really sweet from him but all i wanted to do right now was sleep until my ass gets numb.

●○●○Zak's POV○●○●

Who was that dude holding her hand? For some reason i just couldn't take my thoughts off her so i texted her.
After 3 h of waiting she still didn't respond. It was now 8 pm and sun started to set. I was worried about her so i started considering just driving to her apartment to check on her. I got in my car and called her. After calling 2 times and not getting a response i just had to drive to her.
I pulled up at the parking lot at her apartment building. On the way i picked up chocolate, flowers and grapes. A weird combination ,but that night at my house she said her favorite fruit was grapes so i decided to get some for her. I took the elevator to her floor and nervously knocked on her door. I was afraid she might reject me. Finally the door opened. She looked half dead but still pretty and was wearing a gray hoodie and black leggings. Her hair was messy and her makeup was smudged but yet she was still beautiful.
-"Zak? What are you doing here?" She said with a tired smile on her face.
"I just thought i would come by and check if everything's okay. Can i come in? "
"Yeah sure, come in." She said as she widened the doors to let me walk in."Sorry about the mess. Not feeling inspired enough to do anything about it either." She said as i walked in and took my shoes off. It smelled so nice in here. Like paint and cinnamon and vanilla. And everywhere i looked there was her creepy paintings, sketches and art things. Her apartment was only lighted up by white Christmas lights above her curtains.
"Here ,i brought you some things. Kind of random but i thought it might make you feel better." -i said and handed her the chocolate, flowers and grapes.
"Oh thank you! That's so sweet." she hugged me and put the flowers in a vase as i was walking around , admiring her art. She walked past me and sat on her bed with a plate in her hands and patted the place in front of her on the bed asking me to join her.
"Wow i didn't knew you were so into art. June, these are absolutely amazing. " while i said that i accidentally pushed a jar of brushes on the floor. She laughed at me and then got up to help me to pick them all up. She put the jar back on the shelf and then looked at me-
"Well thank you. I've been drawing and painting since i was 13. But because of my "odd" style i can't get a lot of them sold. Some are just afraid of them."- she said while sliding her finger along the side of a painting.
"People just like to do that thing where if something is unusual or different then they-" i said but then got cut off by her" avoid it not wanting to accept the fact of something being beautiful in a different way." -she said and our eyes met. It was like she read my thoughts. She said exactly what i was about to say.
"Exactly" -i whispered while getting lost in her eyes.
She broke the eye contact ,turned back to her paintings and continued dragging her fingers along the paintings while slowly moving away from me. I looked at a painting that was to the right to me.
"Is it weird if this looks kind of like me?" I pointed to the one with the man coming out of the darkness. It was very detailed and with a dark vibe like most of her paintings. By then she had wondered to the other side of the room and now was coming back.
"Well you weren't supposed to see this i guess. Its kind of hard to explain. Its you but it wasn't supposed to be." - she grabbed the painting, sat down on the side of her bed and put it in her lap.
"I m sure i can try to understand" -i said and sat down next to her.
"Well some people just come in my paintings without me noticing. Actually happens quite often. I never intended for you to be in this one,i just realized it after i had finished it. "-she said in a calm and a little sad voice and looked at me again.
"So that must mean i m special. "- i said and smiled at her.
She broke the eye contact and got back up to put the painting back to where it was before.
"Maybe...i haven't yet figured out why it happens."- she turned around and went back to sitting in the bed next to the plate with chocolate and grapes. I sat in front of her with only plate being between us. She put a grape in her moth and i took chocolate. Our eyes met once in a while. She put a chocolate in one had and a grape in the other and said-
"Some people are like grapes and chocolate . They just simply don't work together. They are better apart cause they are just not meant for each other." - she said and put the chocolate in my mouth but the grape in hers. It sent shivers down my spine. i didn't even ask her what that meant .Our eyes cough each other again.
"The night is still young...i was wondering maybe we could watch a movie or something?"-she said kind of shy.
"Only if i get to choose. But shouldn't you rest?"
"No and the last thing i want right now is to be alone. it would be nice to get my mind off things." She said and i smiled at her. Then we spent 5 minutes getting comfortable enough to watch the movie. We sat in the bed with our backs against the wall and a laptop on my lap. We started to watch the movie -sinister. We were now 35 minutes into the movie and her head had slipped on my shoulder without me even noticing. We continued eating grapes and chocolate. With the corner of my eye i could see her looking at me once in a while and i would do the same but our eyes never met each others. She was so peaceful, not afraid of the movie whatsoever.
It was now 10 pm and the movie had 15 minutes left when she turned at me and said
-"i m happy you're here". Her beautiful eyes finally met mine and i felt like i just couldn't keep my lips away from her's anymore...

●○●○●Thank you so much for reading. I left a lil cliff hanger for u :D.Vote if you enjoyed. I will keep updating daily :) -- Linda

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