Chapter 10.

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She was lying on the floor, half conscious. Her breaths were laboured, as she felt suffocated. She kept gasping for air but nothing was helping much. She felt as if she was going to die, the small and laboured that breath she was taking were the last breath of her life. 

All she could see was her world crashing before her eyes. That is the end of her life.Coughing incessantly, she closed her eyes as they were burning like hell. She felt too warm, and her lungs confiscated. She thought of trying last time to save her life. 

Crawling towards the bed she placed her hand on it to support her trembling form and stood up on her leg. Fire was blazing every corner of the room, blocking the entrance too. She tried to reach towards the window, it was also burning. Taking a deep breath she hit the window with something hard, it broke in front of her. 

Peeking through it she checked the height which to her sheer relief wasn't that much. Still it was too much for a person to jump. But she hadn't any other option to go with. Taking a large breath in, she closed her eyes and without giving it second thought jumped out of the window. 

A heart wrenched scream left her mouth.


Her eyes snapped open and she gasped for air. Her breath was laboured as if she was running a marathon. Her heart was hammering against her chest. She can hear her heartbeat. Her heart was drumming inside her ears. She fisted the duvet in her hands as if her life depends upon it.

These nightmares were haunting her for sometimes. After that accident happened, she was having these nightmares. She didn't remember anything what happened earlier in her life. She was terror striken after the dreams.

Releasing her hold on the duvet and taking a deep breath she jumped out of her bed. It was morning already. She slipped her feet in slippers and moved towards the small balcony attached to her room, in order to get some fresh air and calming her uneven breath.

As soon as she opened the small door of balcony the gentle breeze touched her face. A smile crept her lips. The rogue strands of her hair covered her face which she swept back to its place.

The morning was so pure and the blowing air was soothing the soul. It felt so good that she stayed their for good fifteen minutes, Observing thousands of aspects of the Divine nature.

Her trace broke when her phone started ringing. She frowned because she didn't have to go to work today then who is calling her at this time.

Thinking she came inside and looked at the caller ID. She sighed and placed the phone on her year, swiping the green button up.

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