Chapter 37

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I know that I say things like this all the time, but please understand that I am so thankful for your dedication and commitment to reading this story. Thank you all so much.

The news reporter waited patiently for the nod of the cameraman. When it finally came, she smiled and held the microphone to her face. “The crowd outside UA grows larger as we wait for the students to exit. Just this morning, the academy held its graduation ceremony for the first year students. While they continue the ceremony for the second and third years, the youngest class was given permission to leave as they please.” She turned, her black pencil skirt shifting as her legs move. “As you can see, many news stations from around the world have come to watch the students-- Oh! Here they come!” Her brown eyes widen with excitement as the camera pans to the school’s open security gates.

A large line of general studies students walk out, many of them smiling and cheering. A certain boy in specific only rolled his lavender eyes while trying to get out of the crowd as soon as possible. The business course students walked out after them, then followed by the teenagers in the support course. From within that group, a girl with bright amber eyes and pink hair stood out. Not because of the odd colors on her top, but because of the hover machines sending her higher than all of her classmates. They only ignored her as she received an uproar, continuing their way to the streets.

Finally, the hero course students. Class A and B walked out with huge smiles on their faces. Everyone from the crowd had recognized them, and the cheers seemed to get louder. Bakugou looked around the citizens, spotting his mother and father. Mitsuki smiled, her crimson eyes shining with pride. Next to her stood the boy’s father. The brown-haired man was in shambles, though he looked so proud.

It wasn’t only Bakugou’s parents who were there. Sero’s grandmother, Midoryia’s mom, Jirou’s parents, Tsu’s family; everyone was there for a reason. The air was filled with emotions, all of them positive.

That day had been a great break from all of the legal things you had to do. You were there to witness Shoji’s graduation, and left with the parents and families to flood the streets. Shoji’s eyes searched the crowd for his parents and you, finally waving once you both were spotted. From the look in his eyes, you could tell there was a smile underneath his mask. He deserved it, the whole ceremony and everything. He’s come such a long way from what he once was. Even though you weren’t there for all of it, you were there for a lot of it. It was great to see him finally completing his first year of high school.

From your capture to right now, it had been almost a month. You were forced to talk to countless police officers and pro heroes, which was exhausting in itself. Though it may have been hard for you, there were people who made you feel as though it never happened. For example, Aizawa never treated you any different. You weren’t given some special treatment, or a luxury pass on his attitude. He didn’t want to single you out, nor did he want it to seem like he was picking favorites.

Your friends treated you the same, too, but kids like Mina and Kirishima showed their relief for your return in so many ways. They had taken you out to eat, invited you over constantly, visited you at work, and practically third-wheeled on a date you went on with Shoji. Though, neither you nor the dupli-armed boy seemed to mind. Yaomomo had given you a bouquet of roses she bought, and Iida gifted you books that you said you’ve always wanted to read. Even Bakugou found something for the two of you to do together. Though it wasn’t necessarily fun, he helped you train. He brought you out into the woods on the outskirts of the city and showed you all the things he likes to do when he trains. At first you thought it was going to be difficult, given that the usage of your quirk still makes you anxious. He somehow found a way to get you to use it in a way that made you feel comfortable.

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