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You wake up to the warm feeling of Clementine beside you, missing. She's not there. You grab your knife and sit up. Taking stock of the room. The curtains are open and the warm air from outside fills the room. Clementine sits in a chair on the balcony.

You put your knife back under your pillow, and quietly get up. You move across the room silently and slowly. You reach the balcony and sneak up behind her. You grab her with your arm and squeeze, startling her; just as you hoped. What you didn't expect was her elbow to come back into your stomach.

You: Aw, ssshit.

She hit you hard.

Clem: Don't do that!

She's spun around and grabbed the crutch she used to walk.

You: I was only hugging you.

Clem: You meant to scare me.

You: No...

She gives you a death stare.

You: Ok, I did...

She hops into the room. Going over to the bed and sitting down.

Clem: Hurry up and get ready so we can get out of here.

You walk to the closet and start putting your clothes on.

Clem: A knife under your pillow.

You: Uh hu.

Clem: Why?

You: In case.

Clem: Of what? We're safe.

You: Always good to be prepared, and when I need to use it... You'll thank me.

Clem: Any other weapons you have hidden in here for "in case".

You: A pistol under the bed.

Clem: A pistol? Where'd you get a pistol?

You: I'm joking.

Clem: I'm looking at a pistol under the bed.

You: I'm gonna move it so when they come in to get that other bed out of here, they don't find it.

Clem: Or, you could give it to them.

You: Hell no.

Clem: I don't know where you would have gotten it, and I'm sure they don't just let people keep these.

You've finished dressing and freshening up. You bend down and the pistol under the bed, along with the ammo.

You: Look away while I hide this.

Clem: No.

You: Then don't tell anyone.

Clem: You really think I would rat you out?

You: No.

You walk out to the balcony and put the pistol on the strut beside the guard wall. You won't see it unless you're looking for it.

Clem: Great spot. If you need it, you can run out to the balcony where there's no cover.

You: I'm not leaving it there. Just keeping it there for now.

Clem: I feel so protected.

She's saying this sarcastically, but you know she's only teasing you.

You: You're insulting my manhood.

She giggles at you.

You: I'm ready to go if you are.

Clem: Yep, one second.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now