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You wake up to the sun just coming up. Athena lays on the other side of your now dead fire, asleep.

You: Glad you stayed up to keep watch.

You stand up and stretch, popping all the stiff parts of your body.

You: Damn ground.

You walk over behind a tree incase Athena wakes up and pee. You take a look around while you are relieving yourself.

Athena: Is it already time to get up?

You: You should already be up.

Athena: Cut me some slack.

You: Could have killed us.

Athena: Let's just get going.

You: Alright.

You redo your pants and catch up with Athena, who has already started walking.

Athena: So, we're telling them?

You: Yeah.

Athena: I won't if you don't want to.

You: I don't believe you.

Athena: Come on, I told you that I didn't know.

You: I know, but ever since I've been a part of the group. You do as you're told and comply all the time. In the past five months I haven't seen you lie to them a single time.

Athena: I get it. I'm just getting a tired of it. You showed me that.

You: They are awful people. I'm surprised it took you so long.

Athena: Deimos knows how to keep you scared of rebelling.

You: Didn't do a very good job with me.

Athena: No, he did not.


Ate: So, this factory, has a group in it.

You: Yes ma'am.

Ate: Great. You two can go to your room and clean up, eat, do whatever. Heracles and Thanatos will get going, you can catch up later. You're free to go.

The two of you walk out of the room, and towards yours.

You: They won't be out of there in time.

Athena: Probably not.

You: We need to go.

Athena: And do what?

You: Keep them from killing them all.

Athena: We can't do that.

The two of you step into your room and someone closes the door behind you.

You: Why not?

Athena: You know why. Heracles will wipe the floor with us, and then we'll be brought back here, tortured, and killed.

You: I'll be doing it with or without you. Preferably with you.

Athena: Fuck...

She takes her time to think about it. Pacing a few times up and down the small room. She stops and looks at you.

Athena: Fine...

You: Great! Then we need to go.

Athena: I can't even shower first?

You: Don't have time.

Athena: Damnit.

You knock on the door assuming someone would open it. Ate told you that you could leave whenever you want. No one answers.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now