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About a week after Y/N is locked in a room...

Violet: Shut up Louis.

Louis: We can't let him stay.

Violet: Why not?

Louis: I don't trust him.

Violet: What reason has he given you to not trust him?

Louis: He threatened me.

Violet: Not this shit again, you threatened him. We've established that he isn't with the Delta. When are you going to get through your thick hair, that he might not be a bad guy?

Louis: He's survived out there for who knows how long. That means he's killed plenty of people.

Clem: What are you saying Louis?

Louis: I uh... Didn't mean it like that.

Clem: Then how did you mean it?

Louis: You know what, never mind.

Clem: Tomorrow, I'll try getting out of this bed. Violet, I'll need your help. I'll talk to him and decide whether or not he's staying.

Violet: Good.

Louis: I'm staying in the room with you just to make sure he doesn't do anything.

Clem: No, you won't. I'll be fine.

Louis: But your-

Clem: Choose your next words wisely.

Louis: You're a strong person... That's what I was going to say.

Violet: Dick.


Unknown: Huu, Y/N?

Tears form in your eyes.

You: Yeah.

Unknown: I'm so happy, I've missed you.

You hold a knife in your hand. The sound of Walkers banging on the door outside fills your ears.

Unknown: I'm so hungry, and Mommy and Daddy hurt me.

Y/N: That wasn't Mommy and Daddy.

Unknown: Yeah it was.

The tears are running down your face now, but you keep quiet.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Unknown 2: We need to go Y/N.

Tears are flowing down their face too, but for a different reason. You walk over and hold the knife in front of you.

Unknown: What are you doing?

You put your head down and squeeze your eyes shut; trying your hardest to stay strong.

Unknown: Y/N?

Y/N: I love you.

You pull the knife back and thrust it forward, as their loud screams pierce your ears.

Your eyes begin to water up as you lay in the bed, staring at the bunk above you.

You: I'm so sorry.

The door to your room opens and you sit up. Must be food. You wipe the tears out of your eyes and stand up.

Violet: Hey Y/N, I brought Clementine.

You: Finally.

Violet steps aside to let Clementine in. She hops in on two crutches; one of her legs is missing. You lock eyes with her and see the most beautiful set of hazel eyes you've ever seen. Her hair is messy and short. Something about her just... Excites you.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now