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Clementine is asleep on your shoulder as the car you're in barrels down the road. You look over at AJ to see him staring out of the other window.

You: You excited?

AJ: Yeah.

You: Are you going to stay in a room with Clem and me?

AJ: I wanted to stay in a room with my friend. I want to be more responsible.

You: I see. I hear a lot about this friend of yours and you havent told me their name.

AJ: Wade.

You: You havent talked to Clem about it yet have you?

AJ: No.

You: Hey, how close are we?

You're asking the driver and the person sitting in the passenger seat.

Driver: A few minutes.

You: Awesome. Ill wake her up and you can talk before we get there.

AJ: I dont want to right now.

You: Why not?

AJ: I don't want her to embarrass me in front of people.

You: Hey Clem.

You start to shake your shoulder slightly.

AJ: No.

Clem: What? I'm tired.

You: I know, but were almost there.

Clem: Really?

She lifts her head up, stretches, and looks around.

Clem: I dont see it.

Driver: Its just a few minutes away.

Clem: Then whyd you wake me up, Y/N?

You: Were almost there.

Clem: I could have slept for a few more minutes.

You: AJ needs to talk to you.

Clem: What's up AJ?

AJ: Nothing.

You: Thats not what you told me.

AJ: Why do you keep doing this Y/N.

You: Its not good to hide things like this. It isnt even that crazy AJ. Shes going to be fine with it.

Clem: What did you do?

AJ: Nothing.

You: He's afraid you'll embarrass him.

Clem: Im not going to embarrass you AJ.

AJ hesitates, and then sighs.

AJ: I want to go share a room with Wade instead of staying with you. I want to be more responsible.

Clem: Awww, my little Goofball is growing up.

She pulls him over to her and gives him a large hug.

AJ: Cleeeemm!

Clem: You can, but you have to still come and visit me.

AJ: Were still going to be in the same community.

Clem: I know, but Im going to be so worried about you.

AJ: Stop it.

He tries to get her to let go of him, but she doesnt budge.

Clem: Youll have to give me a room tour, Y/N and I can come over for dinner once a week, youll have to introduce me to your girlfriend you havent told me about.

AJ: Clem! Stop it!

The driver, passenger, and yourself are laughing at them. Clementine is definitely doing this on purpose.

You: You shouldnt have said anything about being embarrassed, AJ.

AJ: This is your fault.

You: Nope, its yours.


Passenger: Were here.

You go over a hill and see a city. Theres a wall that extends further, and higher than any other wall youve seen in the apocalypse. This place is the real deal.

You: Holy shit.

Clementine lets go of AJ and sees the wall. Her eyes go wide in astonishment.

You: How big is this place?

Driver: Youll have to see for yourself. We have a lot of the city locked down. This wall doesnt cover it all, but it covers most of what we use. We nick named it the Last Safe City on Earth.

You: Could use a better nick name.

Passenger: The real names better.

You: What is it?

Passenger: Well let Sam tell you when he tells the rest of you.

Clementine leans over to you and whispers in your ear.

Clem: Still skeptical?

You nod to her. There may be a lot of people here. That would explain how they built up the walls like this, but it doesnt throw away the possibility of these people being insane.

The convoy pulls up to the front gate. The gate slides open and it moves in. You look out the windows to see people all over the place. Everything is clean. Its weird.

Your car follows the car in front of it into a parking garage. The driver pulls the car into a parking spot and turns the car off. Dropping the keys in the floorboard and getting out.

You step out and help Clementine.

Passenger: Sam will be at the entrance of the parking garage to address all of you.

Clem: Thank you.

The driver and passenger walk away.

You: This place is nice.

Clem: You dont want to believe it do you?

You: I believe its nice. The people are what Im worried about.

Clem: Lets just go meet up with everyone else.

The three of you walk down to the entrance where the group has already begun to gather. You wait a for a few minutes until you hear Sam over the crowd.

Sam: Were here. Home. As long as you want to stay. We have rules, obviously. One, everyone works; if you cant, well figure something out. Two, no straying outside the walls unless authorized. Three, respect the place and its people.

Clementine slightly nudges you.

Sam: Other than that, you should be fine. Any other rules are just common sense. So, Im not going to explain them. Welcome everyone, to Salvation.

You: What a conceited name.

Clementine nudges you again. This time in a way that tells you to shut up.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin