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Clem: AJ!

AJ: What?!

Clem: Get up when youre told to.

Clementine has started to grill AJ about not getting up. Hes a little embarrassed, not paying much attention, and trying to get away from the conversation. Hes not a teenager yet, but hell be a rebellious one.

AJ: Y/N, did you tell her?

You: Tell her what?

AJ: About

He gets a little closer to you.

AJ: About me staying up late.

You: I have no idea what youre talking about.

Clem: Yes, he did. I wasnt going to bring it up.

AJ: Y/N!

You: What?! She just ripped it out of me. You ever met her; she can be scary.

Clem: Dont do that anymore. You need your rest.

AJ: We used to stay up late all the time.

Clem: When we were on the road and we had to. We dont have to here, and rest is important.

AJ: Fine!

He walks away from the two of you.

You: That went well.

Clem: Hes going to be just like me when hes a teenager.

You: Is that such a bad thing?

Clem: You didnt know me when I was a teenager.

You: You still are?

Clem: I mean, younger teenager.

You: You turned out great. Hell be fine.

Unknown: WALKERS!

You stand up and grab your knife. You hold it tight in your right hand.

Clem: Im sure it isnt that many.

Gunfire erupts in the distance. You can hear screams over it. People are coming out of buildings and gathering into groups. None of them are going to help. You look at Clem who gives you a worried look.

Clem: You arent used to missing an arm, you cant.

You: Good way to get used to it.

Clem: NO!

You run toward where the lookout was staying. You feel weird running with only one arm. Your stub just hanging down and swinging along with you.

You run around a corner and see the three lookouts being eaten. Walkers everywhere. At least thirty.

You: Holy shit.

With no backup you dont know how youre going to kill them all. You move forward to the first Walker that has noticed you. You stick the knife through its chin. It drops to the ground as you pull the knife. Theyve all noticed you at this point and started surrounding you.

You: Stop grouping up.

One lunges at you from the right. You dodge out of the way at the last second and put the knife through the top of its decaying head. You plant one of your legs on its back, push forward and rip the knife out of its head.

A walker comes at you from the left. You put out your left hand Nothing happens and the Walker grabs you.

You: Fuck!

It pushes you to the ground. You react quickly and kick it off you before it bites you. You quickly get to your feet and stomp the head in. The Walkers slowly approach you. Grouped up a little too much for comfort.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now