These Things Will Change

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Chapter Twenty-Three... These Things Will Change


Week Thirty-Eight.

"Noah, stop fussing over me, I'm fine!"

Two nights ago, Noah had rushed me to the hospital in the middle of the night when I had what seemed like labour pains. Close, because they were Braxton Hicks contractions, but I was hoping that Bailey was blessing us with his presence a couple of weeks early.

Again, it was six in the morning, and we were waiting for a doctor to come back to let me go home. Another hospital trip, only this time I'd collapsed at home, and Noah and mom had both made sure I was taken to the hospital. They had determined that my blood pressure had dropped, but it was normal now and I should be right to go home as it seemed to be random and not related to anything more serious.

But Noah wanted them to keep me in hospital, much to my distaste.

"You have to take it easy, Becca, the baby's due in two weeks!" he insisted. "They might keep you here, perhaps they should. I think your mom would agree."

"I'm sure she wouldn't," I muttered bitterly. "I love you, but I just wanna go home and wait for me to go into labour so that I can get Bailey out of me once and for all. He is making me uncomfortable, you know."

"All the more reason to stay here," Noah sighed.

"I don't need to stay here, I am fine to go home," I groaned. "I want the lounge, some bad food and to get up and take a long walk so that I go into labour. Okay?"

"You have two weeks to go," Noah stated. "And he'll probably come late, too."

"If he comes late, you have to put up with my foul moods for longer," I hissed.

"How about I go find out where the good doctor is at, yeah?" he suggested, looking like he was scared of me.

"Good idea," I replied, folding my arms stubbornly.

"I love you," he crooned, kissing my cheek.

"Love you, too," I replied, unable to hold back my grin.

Noah left the room, just as mom entered.

"You have to get me out of here, mom," I wailed. "The only time I actually wanna be here is when I'm in labour and getting ready to push a baby out of me."

"Okay, but you have to wait for Dr Strides, Bec," mom snickered.

"You find this funny?" I snapped.

"You're in that 'late stage pregnancy mood swing' stage," mom giggled. "It's funny watching the littlest things irritate you to the point that you feel like shouting at the nearest person."

"Sure, it's real hilarious," I muttered.

"Oh, calm down Becca," mom sighed. "It won't be long and you'll be holding your baby, and nothing in life will be the same again."

"I just want him out!" I shouted. "I am uncomfortable, and I feel like the biggest bitch, and I don't even realise I'm doing it!"

Mom took a step back.

"Not long, Rebecca," she said softly. "You have to wait, but he will be here within the next month for sure. Just remember that."

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