Larissa's New Life

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Chapter Twenty-One... Larissa's New Life


Week Twenty-Eight

Bailey was only twelve weeks away. And I was so excited, I simply couldn't wait.

The same could not be said for Noah's grandmother.

She had visited the day before, and it was less than pleasant. She deemed us too young to be parents, too immature. But it was nothing compared to the reaction of when she found out Alecia was also pregnant. I did feel for Alecia, because she had every single other person close to her supportive of her pregnancy, but her grandmother just didn't want to hear it. She called Alecia a disgrace to the family and had her in tears.

Let's just say that when we left Noah's parents' house, Alecia bailed and left with us, spending the night at our house.

"She's harsh," Alecia sighed glumly the next day.

"Definitely," Noah agreed.

"Well, as long as we're happy with it," I tried to be positive.

"Dad always said his mom was old school," Noah frowned. "But seriously, you'd think she'd be alright with at least us, Becca. I mean, we aren't in school and we are married. What is wrong with her?"

"She called me stupid," Alecia mumbled.

"She said that I was wrong for letting her grandson marry me and knock me up!" I exclaimed. "I really think your grandmother doesn't like me, Noah!"

"No, it's not you," Noah promised. "She doesn't really like anyone. Even her own family. She hates our mom. She used to change our clothes as soon as mom left us alone with her, she'd redo Alecia's hair, she would send us to school with fruit when mom packed snacks for us... she's mean."

"I hated her putting my cute pigtails into an ugly bun," Alecia sighed.

"Mom hated it too," Noah chuckled.

"My grandparents are all a little old school, but they would never be like that," I laughed. "That is so mean. I mean, what's the point?"

"She just liked to annoy mom," Noah frowned.

"And us," Alecia added.

"True, she could be a nightmare," Noah admitted. "Turns out she still is."

"Some people don't change," Alecia mumbled.

"One day she'll come to accept she's a great-grandmother," Noah stated dryly. "Well, she'll have to. She hasn't got a choice. Bailey's due in three months, you've just gotten to the three month mark... I mean this time next year, Bailey will be nine months old, and your baby will be about five or six months old, depending. What's she gonna do then?"

"She'll wanna know our kids then," I laughed. "Typical. It's like some scene from a movie..."

"I suppose I should go home soon, since it's Monday and I have school, in like an hour," Alecia frowned. "If only people knew what the hell was going through my head right about now..."

"How many people know about the baby?" I asked.

"Umm... Addy, Jackson... Sarah, and she's surprisingly kept it a secret!" Alecia exclaimed. "A few teachers, including one who thought that I was coming to school hungover. I had to tell her then, when I needed an excuse to not do PE."

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