Voice of the Shephard

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I recently learned something I did not know before.
In ancient and possibly in modern times, multiple shepherds would gather their flocks in one massive fold. A single shepherd would then guard the gate.
In the morning, the other shepherds would return and the gate would be opened. They would then call out and their own sheep would come to them, being led their separate ways to pasture. The sheep had learned from a young age the voice of their shepherd, and would willingly follow him when called.

Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd. However, there are multiple shepherds. Some are bad, some are neither good or bad, but there is only one Good Shepherd.
Currently, we are all "In the same fold." Good, bad and those in the middle are all together in one massive population. We have good influences and we have bad influences. Our challenge is which voice we listen to most. The voices we heed and listen to are the ones we will recognize fastest. Recognition takes time. We cannot immediately recognize a voice even after hearing it multiple times. The voice needs to heard constantly to have a relationship- only then is the voice recognizable enough to follow.
We live in a time when the Lord is merciful, and he will send rescuers to the sheep who are lost and have forgotten his voice. However, as the night turns to morning and the folds are soon to be separated, the time will come where we will be tested.
In that day, many voices will call. The voice we head is who we will follow.
The Good Shepherd leads away to wonderful pastures and peace. Other shepherds will lead to the slaughterhouse, some to wander and some cause the sheep to be lost.

If you want to follow the good shepherd, start now on recognizing his voice. Gain experiences with God, and do what you can to form a relationship. I can promise as you do this you will recognize him, and the blessings will be incredible.

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