Keeping the Savior

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I recall sitting in a meeting and being excused immediately after I had given my input. It bothered me but I could not immediately figure why.
It was then I remembered who I represented.
As a missionary, I am a representative of Jesus Christ. A representative of Jesus Christ and we were only allowed for a few minutes of input.
If Jesus Christ himself was sitting in our place, would he also have been excused so quickly?
I wonder, what difference would it have made if we were allowed in that meeting the entire time. We could have offered more help, seen more needs, and be valuable forces for good.
It made me wonder, do we only let Christ into our lives when we believe we need him?

Do we think, I need only to go to church once a week. This way I can let Christ in my life for one day a week and I will be in good standing.
Do we think, I will ask for help only in my greatest struggles. This way I can use the atonement of Christ to repent when it is too hard for me. The rest I can handle on my own.
Do we only use Christ? Or do we have an actual relationship with him?
Do we let him walk on our side or only remember him when we have no other choice?

Let me suggest that Christ is more than just an occasional friend.
We are not to just say we believe in him or check him off like a chore.
Christ is willing and will be with us every step of the way. He wants to help us with everything, not just the extreme things we cannot handle alone. If we let him into our lives fully, not only can he help us, he can be our friend. We will be amazed at the input he has when we give him more than 10 minutes of our time. We will be amazed as we see him truly come to life.

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