A Better Vessel

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Sometimes our Vessels are our life plans. We build these vessels and feel they truly are amazing. They look perfect, even flawless and even thinking about them make us happy. These vessels will bring us exactly where we want to go.
However, God will not allow us to settle for a vessel with less worth than the one he builds for us.
This means he crushes; obliterates our vessels. It hurts. It hurts a lot. Sometimes it is entirely impossible to understand, because we had taken so long to build them and loved them so dearly.
God only crushes our vessels because he has a better one for us.
When we continue our faith in him, we find he is building a better vessel. This one, God's vessel, is flawless. It is beautiful, wonderful and far better than any vessel we could create.
There is no need to be hopeless.
There IS a better vessel.

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