Broken Things let the Light Shine Through

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This has become one of my favorite quotes. When I first heard it I did not think much, but as time has gone I have found so much truth in it.
This applies to many things: broken clouds let the sun shine. Broken soil can reveal a blooming, bright flower. A broken blind can reveal the light outside.
However, I like to think about how this applies to us.
Have you ever met a broken person?
Have you ever been that broken person?
I have.
You sit with these broken people, and they look at you with sad, tired eyes. At first it seems there is no light. It just seems dark. For the first while, it feels there is no hope because they just push it all away.
Then, as you get to know them-truly see them- you notice the cracks. What seems so hard and stony is actually full of thousands of little cracks.
These cracks are their experiences-hard times that have torn them.
It is between these cracks we find the light-the drive and character they used to get through.
What is most beautiful about these broken people, is their incredible potential. When we are broken we allow things to get to us.. good or bad.
It is my hope, my goal and duty to find these broken people and fill in these cracks.
What is the light that fills these in?
The only light that can truly fill in those cracks is Jesus Christ. Other lights may temporary cover them, but none can truly fix them.
I like to think that when we have these cracks, the light of Christ is able to seep in, and touch our hearts. If we choose to accept him, he will transform our often stony hearts and they will start to glow- making those cracks start to glow from the inside. As that light overwhelms us it entirely fills all those cracks.
Have you ever been around one of these glowing people? They just seem to radiate good, and even their cracks glow brighter as their faith transforms every scar into a powerful lesson learned.
I am so honored to see, as a missionary, this process again and again. I know that when we accept the Savior, expecially when we are feeling broken, he can transform us. Our weaknesses can truly become our strengths.
I invite you all to consider your relationship with the Savior and what you can do to better let him into your hearts. I know and promise that as you do, you will feel the peace. You will figuratively feel your cracks being filled with light.

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