Does Anyone Hear?

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If a tree falls with no one present, does it make a noise?
If you give a compliment to a passing person and they can't hear you, was that compliment a waste of time?
Do your thoughts really mean anything when no one hears you?
If you write a nice letter and it gets lost in the mail, do your words mean anything?
If an artist keeps all their work to themselves or an author never publishes will anything they do really matter?
If a person lives far away and you never hear of them do they even exist?
Do the mysterious creatures of the caverns and the oceans deep matter if no explorer ever reaches them?
Do stars, comets, galaxies matter when no telescope can spot them?
There are songs out there you can love but never hear. If you never hear them, are they even good songs?

What of God's blessings?
Does not recognizing them mean they are not there?
If you're inside on a sunny day does his sun mean nothing?
Does the sweet rain matter if you have already watered the flowers?
Where is value then?
Value and blessings are everywhere, they are so abundant we can never fully take them in, and so we don't.
There is more to this world than I could ever possibly explore, there are more creatures than mankind could possibly discover. There are more songs than I could possibly listen to.
Out there is more art and beauty, more scenery, more delicacies, more stories than I could possibly hear.
There are more people to meet, friends to enjoy, things to do, conversations to have than I can ever possibly experience.
I have more dreams than I can dare to remember, and too many stories than I can ever write or tell. We have too many thoughts to share, too much advice to give.
All this, with only one lifetime.
That, to me, is beauty.

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