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It is sometimes hard to imagine having a relationship with someone you cannot see.
I know God exists, I know he is real. I know because I feel it in my soul. I have never seen him though.
I have never seen Jesus either.
I have never seen the Spirit..
I know they exist though.
How can I be so sure?
Think of it this way: does a blind person know other people exist even if they have ever seen them? Of course.
God has purposefully created us to be, in a way, blind. We have a veil over our eyes.
Answer this: what is a better indication of being a good person; being observed with our parents in the room, or observed alone?
While we may act better with our parents.. the test is not to act as good as it is to be good.
God knew many of us could act good in his presence, but that to see we were good we needed a separation.
This is why we have a veil. This is why we need to be blind.
Blindness does not mean all our other sensations disappear though. If we listen, we can hear him. If we are aware, we can feel him. He even offers ways to speak to him if we are willing to listen.
God has given us other ways to see. He gives us promises to help us open our spiritual eyes.
And the wonderful thing? As you keep these promises you CAN see him. It may not be in a bright cloud of glowing, celestial glory that will burn your mortal eyes and make you permanently and literally blind.. but it is in the proofs He leaves for us.
These proofs can be prayers answered by those we meet on the street,"Coincidences" that are just too good to be true, Lessons learned that help us through trials and many more.

I am grateful that God trusts me enough to let me be blind. I am striving to always to be worthy of that trust.
I know that He has the same trust for you. Listen for him, look for him and you may come to find he is not far away at all. You will find he was there the whole time. 

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