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These last few days have been hectic. Lenna closed her eyes and leaned back on her makeshift bed. Eight o'clock at night and the night was young. The girl was supposed to be asleep. They were to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to prepare and get over to the Triskelion but she couldn't sleep. The coolness of the dog tags in her hand kept her wake, along with the mindless thinking she had been doing.

James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th was out there. He had no idea what was going on and Lenna couldn't do a damn thing about it; it was killing her.

Lenna closed her eyes and was just about to sleep when she was getting a video call. She cracked an eye open to see the laptop on her desk flashing brightly. Groaning loudly, the girl got up and went to turn it off when he saw the ID.

A wide smile spread across her face as she clicked accept and walked it back over to her bed.

"How's my little fugitive?" a tenor voice piped from the laptop.

"Not to bad," Lenna smiled. "How're you Wade?"

"Not so bad myself," he grinned. "Look I know you want to be like me but seriously? Becoming a fugitive is a bit much."

"Shut up, it's not like I wanted to be running from HYDRA."

"Wait HYDRA? That scary gang that killed Captain America?"

"Dude Cap isn't dead, you know this—you met him," Lenna deadpanned.

"Nonesense," Deadpool replied waving his hand. "Never met the beautiful blonde creature with the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Is his jaw perfectly sculpted and cut cut meat with it—more importantly can he cut m—"

"Dude, gross!" Lenna said over top of him. "And his eyes are nothing compared to his best friend's," she added with a mumble.

"Ohh!" Deadpool squealed. "Someone has the hots for the mysterious 90 year old murderer! Tell me about him."

"No," Lenna said quickly, her face flushed. "I need to get sleep."

"Bullshit," sang Wade. "Bull-sheeeeet!"

"Okay, bye! I'll call you when it's over," Lenna said quickly.

"Love you ba—." Wade managed to get out before Lenna hung up.

Lenna leaned back in her bed with a huff as she turned off the light. She set her laptop on her nightstand and she quickly fell asleep.

Her dreams were blessed with the beautiful man she saw in many of Steve's war pictures. In her dream, World War II-Steve was joking around with Bucky after they had returned from the prison camp. Everyone was cheering and Steve was enchanted by a beautiful brunette. The woman and Steve chatted as Lenna glanced at her surroundings.

She felt a gaze on her and her eyes landed on an icey pair. Lenna froze as the man walked up to her.

"Hm," he said, raising an eyebrow, "I haven't seen you around before."

"Perhaps you just never noticed me," Lenna found herself saying, rather coyly.

"Oh trust me," James said, "I would've noticed your beautiful face." Lenna blushed. "What's your name, love?"

"Lenna," she replied, unwilling to give her last name.

Bucky raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to say more, but something caught his eye behind her. Lenna turned to see what he was looking at, but found herself staring at nothing. The bright white emptiness was blinding, and when she turned back, James was gone. In his place, was the vast expanse of emptiness.

"James?" she shouted, panicked. "James! Hello?"

No response, her voice only echoed loudly. She called until her voice gave out, and ran until she collapsed. Eventually, the glow from the whiteness grew to be too much, so she closed her eyes and when she opened them, she was back in the bunker. Awake and still alone.

Steve chuckled when she confided her dream to him. "Sounds about right," he grinned, "only, Bucky would've called you a doll."

Lenna looked down sheepishly, "D'you think it means anything?"

"Other than you have the hots for a ninety year old man?" Steve asked, causing Lenna to go a deep shade of red.

"Shut up," she shot back weakly, before going to get changed.

Lenna waited outside the bunker in her uniform, a standard SHIELD jumpsuit with two knives at her hips. Her gun was on her left hip and she was praying that she wouldn't have to morph for this fight. Sam showed up seconds later, and the four of them (Steve, Hill, Sam, and herself) set off to reach Triskelion as quickly as possible.

They reached the main security office late morning, early midday and were quick to get in. Lenna, Sam, and Hill pointed their guns at the man who opened the door as Steve stood at the front.

"Excuse us," he said as the guy quickly moved away.

Lenna rolled her eyes all through Steve's speech and when he finished she did a slow clap. (a/n: sorry guys. I love ya, but I'm not about to write his entire motivational speech, if you really want to hear it look it up)

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asked good-naturedly.

"A little of both," Steve replied.

a/n: at the top is Lenna (middle) with her mom (left) and Tony (right)
Yes! I drew them myself!
bonus points if you can guess who the actress I chose for Lenna's mom is (it's tough from the drawing)

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