Chapter 13: What If...

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I press my forehead against his and close my eyes---breathing him in deeply.

"Every time I see you in my dreams, I see your face. It's haunting me," I say as tears form in my eyes.

He opens his eyes and stares into me. After a few moments, he speaks.

"This is all to remind you that our story is not over, Rey."

I look over his face and run my thumb against his mouth. "I miss you, so much, Ben," I say trying to hold back sobs.

"You're at the edge of destiny, Rey. You can't stop now. Open your eyes."

"I thought I might find you here."

The trance of my dream breaks and I'm brought back to reality. "Finn," I say softly and give him a warm smile. "I'm--," he cuts me off.

"I know, Rey and I'm sorry too," he says to me.

"You did nothing wrong, Finn," I say staring intently into his eyes.

"Yes, I did.  I feel like I let you down with how I have handled things since he...," Finn's eyes turn remorseful.

I turn from him and look at the ship in the holding bay.  This vessel once transported the infamous Darth Vader.  So many lives lost from being shot down by his ship.  I feel dark energy around this ship even though it's been decades since he used it. I look from the vessel back to Finn. 

Placing my left hand on his right shoulder I squeeze tightly. "Finn, if I didn't have you, I never would have made it this far," I say as a tear forms in my eyes. "It's I, not you, who needs to apologize.  I'm sorry for the way that I have been acting lately.  There are so many thoughts in my mind," I clear my throat to stop sobs from coming as I think about my dreams of Ben.

"Rey, I sense a huge conflict growing in you.  Are you hiding something from me? Did you sense something on Hutta that you're not telling me about?"

I look deeply into his eyes and then turn to the vessel again. "It's nothing.  I'm more concerned about the new soldier our enemy has aligned with," I lie.

"No, you're not. Rey, I know you.  You're thinking about that Datacron aren't you?" Finn grabs both my shoulders---turning me to look deeply into my eyes. I sense him trying to pry into my mind and find the reason for my conflict.

I place my hands on top of his hands on my shoulders. "Finn, I'm only interested in keeping these items away from our enemy and finding out what they have planned with it," I lie.

He loosens his hands and lets them fall to his side.  "I want to believe you, I truly do."

I stare intently at him. "Finn," I start to sob. 

"Rey, what's going on!"

I shakily breathe in and stare into this warm eyes. "What if you had the opportunity to right the wrong of the past? Would you do it? What if you could go back in time and stop the First Order from taking you away from your parents.  Would you do it?" I question him.

His look softens "I don't know, honestly.  Long ago, I used to ask my self this often. What if I did that and then I never met you, Rey?" he responds. 

"If," I scoff. "The smallest word in the Galactic Standard Lexicon, yet it stands between us and our greatest destiny," I finish sniffling in.

"Why are you asking this, Rey?"

"What if I can change things? Fix the future by killing the past..."

"Rey, that's impossible.  Don't let your mind be clouded by something like that. He's gone!  You need to accept that!" Finn snaps.

"Finn, he's not gone..."

"What are you talking about.  You told me after the battle he disappeared into the Force," Finn places both hands on his hips and looks at me with confusion.

"Half of him did.  I finally realize that half of his Force spirit is inside of me.  That's how he was able to save me in the end.  He's not fully gone, Finn."


"What if, I bring him back?"

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