I was tagged twice, here are my answers:

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(First time I was tagged above and second time will be later on in this A/n also guys, this chapter is posted on my birthday, yay!)

1) What's my favorite color?
It seems to change a lot, depending on how I'm feeling but more often then not it's fire colors (reds, oranges, yellows, golds)

2) What song reminds me of my crush?
Oh heck, erm, well... Is There Somewhere by Halsey is my answer for this. Every-time I hear it I cry because of how emotional my feeling are towards this person. It's stupid really, I have cried in the middle of Walmart when it played once, partly because of the images I associate with each word in the song. To clarify, I mean each word gets home seeing a different wish of what would happen. Mostly because it's not nor ever ment to be.

3) Do you like Anime?
Yes, I do. Not into the sexual side of it (hentei I think it's called?) but other then that there are some good ones!

4) Best friend?
Honestly, I don't like raising certain friends over others so all of my friends are equal in my eyes. Unless I tell them a lot more then I do some others (not like venting stuff, I mean deep fears, deep worries, deep secrets, stuff like that) in which I will have to put my friend Ashlee JayJason7 for that last list.

5) Fav movie or Tv show?
This ones hard, erm, I find The Owl House intriguing, I really like any horror movie tho in which The Ritual and The Haunted come out on top of!

6) Favorite food?
I have many, snow crab, sushi, meat, and tea (idk if I can put drinks but oh well!) Life is too bland to stick to one favorite of anything!

7) current emotion?
After talking about... number two on this list, I feel a bit ridiculous, flustered, and lonely. But alas, emotions are what make you all- I mean us all human!

8) Favorite Flower?
Good question, I like tiger lilies, dragons breath, red spider lilies, Passion flowers, and trumpet flowers. However, I do find glowing mushrooms entrancing!

9) If you could live anywhere, where would it be? (And why)
Good one, currently I live in a bland area (more so too me because I've seen and explored it all, rarely anything new happens) and I live to travel. I can confirm that my heart and soul is on the road traveling the world. However, one place I yearn to see is the densely forested, cliff ridden, mountainous range of the coast of Oregon US!

Second Tag:

1) do you care about what others think of you?Yes, but not in a 'am I pretty enough' sort of way but more of a 'what do people want to see more of and what they don't'

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1) do you care about what others think of you?
Yes, but not in a 'am I pretty enough' sort of way but more of a 'what do people want to see more of and what they don't'. Basically, if I get compliments on something, I know people like that so I'll keep doing it and if someone says something they don't like about it (not in a bulling way but helpful criticism) I will try to do it less.

2) what's my middle name?
Carolina. Scarlett Carolina Battle at your service darling~!

3) Favorite spot?
Swimming and dancing

4) best friend?
Told above!

5) someone you could not live without?
Erm, well it's not like I'm gonna die if they leave me so idk how to answer this one so I'll just say 'memes'

6) Favorite Name or Nickname someone calls you?
Pheonix, Phe, and Battle (lookin' at you Ashlee) ʘʘ

7) Are you Cute or Sexy?
Kinda depends on my mood or the act I put up. Sometimes I act like I don't know stuff when I do and be cute while other times I know too much and like doing pet names and dominating to relationship. But that's a different story~ the cuter you act and look, the more the'll be shocked when I drop the act, my dears!

8) preferred pronouns?
She, her

9) have you ever been asked out?
Oh yes, many times

10) do you believe in soulmates/true love?
Yes, I do actually!

11) Top threw pet peeves:
-people complaining about something to get attention
-story's not in paragraphs
-and Entitled rude people

12) Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Yah, impulsive too.

13) Words you say often?
Dear, darling, sweetly, deary, birds

14) Picture of yourself?
Nope! It will be in the end of the book roll

15) your favorite picture of someone else?

16) Favorite hobby?Writing, swimming, violin, drawing, playing with birds, exploring google earth

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16) Favorite hobby?
Writing, swimming, violin, drawing, playing with birds, exploring google earth

17) Role Model?
Not one!

18) who is the best person personally to know you?

19) crush?
It's silly, you all with laugh at me ;-;
It's Bill >:(

20) Tag 20: I pick at random lol
Aloofstor alenaisamazing

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