Every little Bird that Sings a Song

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Your put another bite of warm soup in your mouth, Angel (though he did not need to eat— he still did) did the same while Alastor watched from across the table, mindful of his 'special diet'. He had his hands precisely folded in front of him, begin to piece together the next words that he wanted to say carefully.
"So, Darling, what do you think about learning how to defend yourself?" He asked, leaning towards you as if stating important business (not that this wasn't important). You weren't gonna lie, you were caught off-guard by the question— while Angel grinned from the chair beside you.
"W-well, I um—," you paused, "I would like to learn how." You said, feeling more confident as you thought about it. Then you could help Alastor if that demon came back (and whomever keeps sending the notes). Though, the nagging fear of getting badly hurt or hurting someone else badly was evident; you hated the idea of someone getting hurt because you did not know how to help them.
Alastor hummed in thought, "alright then, we'll start tomorrow morning. But for today— I do believe Charlie has something for you, dear." Alastor said, standing up softly.
"Okay, but who will be my teacher?" You asked softly, though Angel heard.
"Blond-ie and I will, kid!" Angel cooed, patting her head as he stood. You giggled, almost full on laughing. Alastor rose a brow as he pushed his chair in with the tip of his staff.
"What?" Angel asked, almost annoyed, "what so funny 'bout that?"
"Oh, no reason other then that you were first down last week, and that you are now telling me your good enough to be a teacher!" You joked, poking him in the ribs with her elbow lightly; still laughing. Alastor's smile widened, clearly amused, and poor Angel Dust blushed angrily and stormed off muttering profanities of all sorts.

~ ~ ~

After changing into a simple dark blue dress that reached you knees and fell elegantly from its tailored waistline and a matching chest and long sleeves with black tights and black flats underneath. Stepping back after the summoning— the same feeling of chilled power swept over your little exposed skin and threw your tights. You had (after summoning 4 demons (Charlie, Charlie again, Angel, Vaggie)) gotten used to it but it still always managed to take your breath away. You ended up stepping back into Al's chest and you looked up at him apologetically and he dismissed the accident quickly.
You smiled thankfully and looked back to see Charlie with something hidden behind her back. She looked at Alastor happily and he put his warm, gloved hands over your eyes carefully. You rose a brow.
"What is this?" You asked chuckling.
"A surprise." Alastor said, Charlie nodding quickly.
"Yes, yes!" The female demon said quickly, you smiled, "hold out your hands, (Y/n)!" She said, you did so and soon felt a cold object in your hands. Alastor removed his hands and you saw a spear in your hands (above, left is uncharged and right is charged, The spirit self can be any color you want, preferably your favorite color, but it always close the same light blue) and a grinning Charlie. You gasped loudly, looking at the tips, rolling it in your hands, your eyes roaming about every inch and angle that one could look at a spear. Alastor had stepped back, watching your reaction to the object.
"It's made out of the same stuff mine is!" Charlie grinned, "Angelic Iron. It is deadly to demons like us when activated by it's welder!" She smiled.
"W-wait? D-Deadly!?" You yelped, "if I'm t-training with d-demons I could k-k-kill them!" Charlie shook her head.
"Only when active." She clarified, noting your confused face, "it's when it's recognized wielder, feeds it enough energy to make the wound it inflicts on a demon unhealable by their magic."
"Recognized wielder?" You asked.
"Weapons like this, my dear, have a mind of their own and in order to use them properly and in sync with each other; you need to show it that you are it's boss." Alastor chimed in, looking very pleased with himself and the weapon. You looked it over, seeing the beautiful (f/c) details and whraping.
"Is this what you asked my favorite color for a while back?" You asked, "the first time we met."
Charlie nodded, "I was going to give it to you on you 17th birthday next week buuuut—" you cut her off but putting your hands over her mouth.
"What birthday, what do you mean? I don't have a birthday, Hahaha!" Do you laughed nervously, trying to cover up what she said. She and Alastor exchange glances.
"Do you not like your birthday? I asked my father who has records of everybody living on earth so I know it's on Tuesday the 2nd of February." (A/n: That's actually the birthday of my bird lol)
"Well," you chuckled nervously, "my memories of birthdays at my house weren't to great..." you said shortly. Alastor tilted his head and Charlie smiled,.
"Say no more!"

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