Twisting Stairs and Lively Hallways

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Alastor just stood there with one finger raised to talk frozen. His wide smile faulted at the edges, and honestly, to you, he looked like he had just gotten the punchline to a joke her hearted three weeks ago. You snorted at the tea-soaked deer, Charlie rushed into the apologies as Vaggie wiped her tongue quickly with a napkin while you hunched over with your hands covering your mouth to keep from bursting out in laughter. He looked down his nose almost angry but also still surprised and unmoving except for his eyes.
You laughed harder and had to lean against the wall for support. Alastor's eyes looked at you which only made you laugh harder.
"What?" He asked, pulling out a maroon handkerchief to dry himself off.
"I think I am going to go insane from laughter!" You howled, rolling to the side of the couch and onto the floor with a thud.

~ ~ ~

After like, 5 minutes you had finely become sane and Alastor said he had not found anything but the smell of another demon around. Other then Vaggie and Charlie of course.
"Another demon?" You asked "don't they have to be summoned to get up here?"
"Ah, you remembered! Indeed we do, I by your mother and Vaggie and Charlie by you." Alastor said as an example, clapping silently.
"Well, until we find more answers you should get some help around here." Vaggie said, "which is why we think we should send Angel up here."
"What! Why that perv?" Alastor said, is thick accent causing him to roll the 'R' in 'perv.
"Well, the hotel has picked up quite a bit and we think Angel would be some good protection help. Heck, you could put him under a spell and he could go to school with her while you look for the other demon!" Charlie said, "we warned him already about his actions while he is here."
"(Y/n), dear?" Alastor turned to you.
"Can you step out for a moment?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Oh yah, of course Al!" You said, smiling up at him. He lifted his hand and watched you walk off sending a thumbs up his way before you went upstairs. The wooden steps moaned as you walked up them with your hand gliding over the smooth railing. Your eyes glanced down to the bottom floor as you got to the top floor threw the center of the winding stairs before turning down the hall and into your room.
You closed the door behind you and sat down on your bed, taking your phone off of the nightstand. You put in your passcode and texted a few of your friends and playing a few mindless, useless games.
You put down the phone after hearing a clear change in tone down stairs and it was clearly becoming a harsh conversation. However much you wanted to go down their and help, you chose to respect Alastor's wishes for you to stay out of the way.
You opened up your closet to change into something else and settled on a simple white v-necked blouse with black shorts and black stockings that went just over your knees. You laid down on your back and put your arms limply over your head, your (h/c) was like a halo over your head as you looked over your newly done nails. You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and stopped in front of your door before knocking in a snappy fashion.
"Darling? My I come in, my dear?" Alastor sung on the other side of the closed door with his normal staic-y voice.
"You may?" You said slowly, sitting up to watch the door open to reveal the deer demon.
"So, are you sure your okay with A--....Angel staying here?" He asked, leaning on the door frame looking at you
"I am fine with it for now, I don't like the thought of you having to do all the work." You said honestly, kicking her sock-covered feet back and forth.
"Oh, dear... You know I have more than enough power to do all that and more." He said, tilting his head. You stayed quiet, not looking up to meet his gaze. Alastor stood up straight and sat down on the bed next to her before continuing;
"Does this have something to do with your dad, dear?" You were silent again, your legs stopped kicking and you felt your heart sink. Alastor waited in silence, thinking about what to do until pulling the smaller human into a warm hug.
You yelped at the motion and slowly hugged him back.

~ ~ ~ Alastor's POV ~ ~ ~

I felt (Y/n)  slowly wrap her frail arms around me and grip my shoulders from behind and start shaking a little as I could only assume she thought of her father. Truth be told, I was only protecting her via the contract her mother and I had but I did not understand why I felt a little more attached to (Y/n) with every sunrise. I did not hate her father, if anything I respected him as a fellow murderer-- however a deals a deal and I will do anything within my massive amount of power to keep it.
"There, there, my dear. He won't be back anytime soon~" I cooed, poking my nose into her hail like a comforting deer. I felt her nod into my shirt and sniffle before looking up at me. Her (e/c) eyes were a tad bit red but she smiled up at me delicately.
"Do we need to summon Angel up, or...?" I noticed her change in subject but let it go before responding and helping her up.
"Yes, shall we~?"
"We shall."

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