Bitter Tea Makes the Worries Flee

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You sipped a cup of tea, huddled up in a blanket. You had had a nightmare last night, and a certain crimson demon woke you from it. You were sitting in the game room huddled up on the leather sofa all alone in complete silence, except for the sound of ticking clocks echoing in the hallway.
Alastor had went to go get you a better pillow so you could sleep on the sofa tonight, since you felt a little scared to go back upstairs.
You took another sip of the hot liquid, feeling the bitterness seethe down your throat. You usually like to your tea bitter, it always helped ease your mind it seemed.
You sat there for what felt like hours in complete silence, curled up under your soft blanket, waiting for him to return. Not too long after, do you heard footsteps outside coming down the stairs. You turned your head to look in the doorway to see Alastor with a pillow tucked under his arm. He was wearing a crimson blouse and black dress pants, is hair was more of a mess and his eyes seemed tired.
Though he was still smiling, you could see he was slightly worried for you. The dream had made you pale, and shaky. After the nightmare, honestly, you could not stop thinking about your dad killing your mother. Though you had thought about it for a long time, you couldn't seem to stop crying when you thought about it.
Your fingertips brushed away a tear that you were trying to hold in, you never want to be labeled a weakling. That was the rule in your household. If they would've found your weak point— your done for.
Though you knew this wasn't your household, your father had forced that rule upon you since you were a child so it was forever burned into your brain. At school you were also partly labeled as the kid with no weakness, because you are usually so hard to other people.
The more you thought about your past life though, the more you thought about your dad. I mean sure, your mom wasn't innocent either but you would certainly choose her over your dad any day. Your mind eventually trailed off to remember that your father didn't know where you were, or rather— where are you and Alastor are. Even if he did find you Alastor would kill him, right?
Alastor set the pillow down beside you and rubbed the top of your head a little bit, you look up at him with your saddened (e/c) eyes.
"There's no need to dwell on the nightmare, dear. You okay now...." Alastair said, clearly attempting to be soothing but with that large smile on his face it was almost hard to take him seriously. You nodded and closed you eyes, resting your head on the back of the sofa.
"Tired?" Alastor asked, sitting down across from you. You took another sip of tea and set it down on the table between you two, you nodded it at his question.
He smiled as you took another step, this time more of a gulp then a,sip and emptied your cup. He was about to take it to the kitchen when you held up a pale (s/c) hand to him.
"I can do it, I'll pick it up in the morning...." you muttered, already starting to drift off again. He nodded, then walked over and pulled the covers over you as you lay down.
He paused for a moment, almost as if unsure, then used his nose to nuzzle your cheek for a moment.
"Good night, love." Alastair said, though you were already asleep and was not even aware of what he did.
The next morning you woke up, your first thought was immediately to put your cup in the kitchen like you promised. Your hand slowly wandered to the wooden table at your feet with your eyes still closed, quickly realising although that the cup was not there.

I am shookith. The story has 3000 reads and is #6 in Alastor! I can't thank you guys enough, I'm honestly tearing up! I've gone so many nice comments and stuff about the story and I can't believe you guys read this ok-grade story! I would like to thank each and everyone of you for making me feel like I have something to do when I'm bored, which is write the story for you all. Thank you so much! In fact I was so happy that I actually made the story a little bit longer, by about 200 words. It's like midnight here so I can't write much more than that right now but I really do want to get this posted as soon as possible for you all!

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