Deep, Fathomless Red behind Shut Curtains

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Why is it called a 'living room' when the rooms not living?

It has been a day or two since you threw your necklace into oblivion and all of the static and connection attempts from that blasted radio demon halted completely. Eerie silence filled your mind, and you almost felt empty. When thinking about your past, you got these awful, acute pains that took over most if not all of your thought and making you crumple into a ball for several long and unbarring moments while you waited for it to stop.

You fiddled with your hair, still getting used to your new appearance. Since arriving in hell, your appearance began to change; though at fist it was small but now it was way more recognizable. Your hair now slowly turned black at the tips (if it was already black or dark brown then it turned white at the top) your eyes were now golden as well with a golden four pointed star i the middle of your head just between your eyes. Your back was sprouting out pale-gold feathers with black tips as well.

It hurt a lot honestly, and when a new one would come through your skin it would bleed a bit. When you told Lupus about it, he comforted you by saying you spent so long in Hell that the power-change is turning you into a demon.

Though he words were spoken kindly, something in his eyes were anything but nice. Behind his blank stare was a deep unspoken hunger. Like he was looking at a prize- not a friend. To gloss over what you thought, you were starting get suspicious of him. He would not tell you how you two met or anything outside of you living with Alastor, almost like he did not know or just did not not want you to know. You put on a maid outfit, torn and dirt, and put your hair up. You might you be doing this?

Well, Lupus said that Alastor was coming to Lupus' place and told you to act like a servent she he would not know it was you. You had, indeed, asked why you could not just stay in your room away from him but Lupus said that he may go looking around the place for you if that was what he was indeed coming to look for. So acting like a slave would help keep him from knowing it was you?

His plan was mediocre at best, a plan from a movie they would end in that person dying. He covered it up with 'it would be good for you to know the tricks and the face of your persuader. 

From down stairs, you could hear the door swing open and Lupus say something with a radio-like voice quickly following. You hurried down the stairs, picking up a tray of scones for the two and opening the door to the living room. A slightly familiar red demon sat in a chair across from Lupus along with a blonde demon with rose-y red cheeks. The red demon was, as said, mainly shades of red.

He had on a red striped tail-coat with black dress pants underneath, tipped with a red strip at the end and black dress shoes with deer-hoof prints on the bottoms. His coat was open in the front, showing a red and black undershirt and a black bow with a small red gem in the centre. His skin was pale and gray-ish and black and red fingered gloves covered his hands. a red microphone-looking cane laid against the chair her sat in's arm-rest. Two proud red ears puffed from his head with black tips along with two sky looking antlers tangled in his short hair. His eyes were crimson with light-er red centers with two cat-like pupils followed by some bags underneath them. His hair was messy but the most striking part about the man was him smile

As wide as a night sky in the middle of a dessert, as bright a golden sun, and as eerie as an unlit hallway in an abandon hotel (pun intended huehue~).

The lady looked around a bit, her style was far less complicated then the red demon's though. Her pail blonde hair was in some sort of fishtail with lighter blonde highlights over a red dress shirt and suspenders. Her eyes were yellow and round with a wary frown dancing on her lips- quite a contrast to the other demon's wide and fear-giving grin.

"What brings you here, Alastor?" Lupus asked after you set the tray down and scurried off with a bow you practiced to sell the act. You could feel all three demon's eyes on your back as you walked away to stand near the doors to the hallway and stairs. The man named Alastor did not even look at the food, keeping his deep, fathomless eyes on Lupus. 

"Cut the games, mutt, where is she?" He asked, his eyes showing a deep, burning anger dancing like flames behind the red curtains. 

"Away from you," Lupus said, playing the game Alastor brought into the home, "runt." Alastor twitched at the name, like he was trying to keep from jumping up to strangle the wolf demon.

"And your saying your fit to take care of her, after all you did?" he said through clenched, razer-sharp teeth.

"Yes. She said it too." 

At that Alastor jumped up, the tension braking loose in the air around him. The blonde tried to stop him but stopped when he turned towards her, something like 'stay the fuck out of this' written of his face. He grabbed Lupus by the neck, the chair he sat in hitting the floor with Lupus still sitting in it and Alastor crouched over top of him, almost shaking with an ancient anger. 

Lupus let out a laughing growl, both of them reading to fight before they wee both stopped by you, who could not take staying silent.

"Wait, just wait!" you yelled, putting your hands out to stop them, erm... what now?

Chapters till end; 6

The Unknown (Alastor x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang