The Secret That Began to Form

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Hello, fanart is mine, and it's an OC fill-in or waiter fill-in so I didn't put any detail, Good day or night!
You watched in fear as your father silently slapped you mother for the second time, putting the same scarlet red handprint decorating her face right in front of you. You were once again forced to watch as her beautiful green eyes watered as she fell slowly to the hard tile floor in only a foot or so away from her shaking feet.
Her eyes met yours mid fall and in a split moment she shared to you the same brief words she mouthed just a few weeks ago; 'locket' and 'run'.
She hit the floor at your feet with the same cracking noise of bones hitting stone and you began to cry.
You saw your father cock that very same hellish shotgun that was just above the table, mounted on the very same wall and in the very same place as you remembered it and aimed it's cold barrel at your mother whom was just starting to stagger up to look up at the man you once called your father-- no longer.
You knew you ran at this time, but your legs would not move. You were forced to watch his take a steady aim with one eye closed.
"I should have dealt with you a long time ago, Winch." The silent sound of a shotgun firing echoed over the walls as he went outside-- to look for your past self who ran
You ran over to your limp mother, the nightmare replayed over and over in your head-- knowing well what was happening outside. Your mother's ragged attempts to breathe thru the small whole just between her collar blades. Blood seethed from the fresh wound, still warm but clotting as she drowned in her own crimson blood.
Your eyes watered, crying silently as she wythed on the floor.  It tore at you to know that she was alive and still in pain when you ran. If you would have turned around and gave your chasing father the slip and came back-- maybe you could have saved her!
Large, warm, and salty tears pooled in your eyes as you picked her up but your hands went threw her. You were torn, what could you do now? She's already dead. You felt something behind you, a feeling of energy more than anything; a tingling on your skin.
Slowly turning your eyes, your mind stuck on the sight of your dead mother to see nothing-- but you could hear it.
"A shame for a child like you to go threw, huh?"
You felt like you were choking, your eyes opening and shooking up from your bed, letting out a complete silent sob. You gagged, your wild eyes looking around and your scrambled as quiet as you can into your bathroom. You sat down quickly in front of the toilet and waited. You only dry-heaved silently as you cried.
Your locket lay cool-ly just above your collar bones as you heaved, doing your best to sip water from your hands from the sink ́s tap. You got up, thinking and hoping as hard as you could you had not woken Alastor. You did your normal stuff to get ready for school-- a friday-- and though you were up about an hour early you could not go to bed. Not now.
You sat down, sipping on a cup of tea in the silent early morning.
Your eyes cried as you did your best to stay calm, hearing a singular soft knock on the door nearby.
Were you hearing things? It was so soft, you must be. After a few moments, you went to look after choosing it would rest your mind. After getting to the door, however, it only made your feeling worse.
On the door, taped to the glass, was a hand written letter;
Dear (Y/n),
       Did you enjoy the dream?
-The Wolf

You let out a muffled whimper, taking it off the door. What should you do? After battling yourself for a while, you settled on one thing as you tossed the thing into the fire;
You were not going to tell Alastor.

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