Phones off the Hook

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You laid face down in your bed, still wet from your hot bath, with a simple white off-shoulder shirt and dark, high-wasted blue skirt with white knee-high socks and light blue flats. Another headache began to try and break through your thoughts.


"So, let me get this straight; Lilly, brought me here on your orders?" You said, watching as the small goat-like demon clopped around cleaning and cooking. She smiled and waved at you but a wave of pity crossed her eyes but it was soon gone as fast as it came.

"That's right, (n/n). You learn fast. Also, one more thing." Lupus said, his voice suddenly becoming dark and low, "Through the curse, Alastor will be able to talk to you. What ever you do, don't talk to him or he will find us! Please, (N/n), promise me!" He suddenly started yelling at the end, making you jump.

"I-" You were cut off.

"PROMISE ME!" He yelled, making you nod in fear. It did not feel like a fear from the outburst, but something deeper- primal even. You jumped up, searching for words to get you away from him.

"I-I'm gonna g-g-go take a showe-er...!" you gushed, walking away as fast as you could. Lupus said nothing as you left.


The headache worsened, and you began hearing static that slowly began to form a voice.

"He....hell....h-hello? Did...... I... I get... through? Are you okay?" The voice said, echoing in your head. You clutched the sides of your throbbing head, inhaling once sharply through gritted teeth. It took everything you had to keep you from saying anything.

"(Y/n), I know your there, and I want you to know I'm sorry..." He spoke slowly, sorrowful, "I,  was not saying what I meant, I-..." He sighed then the connection ended sharply.  A tear slipped from your eye, just one, that seemed to be involuntary- like a deeper part of you was crying. Another tear, followed by another, and another. Tears flowed from your face and it suddenly felt like her heart was being ripped, like a death of a loved one, a broken heart, stabbed by the sharpest of knives, and then being ripped open- heart and all. 

The static started coming back, making you curl up on the floor with your back pressed against the bed and wall. With your fingers lost in your full head of hair, you clenched your teeth, putting your hands over your mouth.

"D.... Dar....ling....Darling, are you alright?" another streak of pain shot through your head, ending at your collar-bones. A moment of silence seeped through both ends before he spoke again.

"I know your listening, dear, our contract tells me that much." The golden heart necklace began to warm up, almost like it was shaking and you could your anger raising towards the man. The painful pulses seemed to be ending and starting from that point.

The Deer Demon started to say something but before he could you grabbed the locket and tore it from your neck. A burning red line around your neck pulsed in pain from the force it took to rip off the necklace and you jumped up. You felt the thing heat up more and vibrate faster. You inhaled in anger and stormed to the two glass doors.

Putting your hands roughly on the silver-colored door handles, you turned them and slung them open in anger and desperation. Each footstep seemed to get louder and your mind and vision started to become blurry. The sickly warm air seemed to stick to your skin and you ran up to the railing and threw it off the balcony as hard as you could, clutching the rail with your other hand to keep from falling off.

You screamed in anger as you did, not noticing the locket fly through a portal of some sort after you passed out on the balcony.

~ ~ ~ Charlie's POV~ ~ ~

Hearing a scream outside, Angel and I peeked out my office window to see a (H/c) haired girl, tossing something gold off a balcony. Though it took a moment or two to find her small figure amidst all the buildings and demons, she was the only one who looked human.

Angel and I both looked at each-other then saw that blasted Wolf walk up through the glass doors the female probably came out of. The gold trinket glimmered for a moment before vanishing, making Lupus look around then up as is on the top floor of the hotel. We shut the curtain harshly and looked at each-other.


Angel hurried down to the lobby and I slammed myself into my chair and picked up the phone- dialing the last person I ever thought I would call for help.




"Alastor, I need you to answer...!"




"C'mon, Al, I know your there!"




"Alastor, damnit!"




By the fourth try, I chose to leave a message, knowing he would hear it. "Alastor, I need you to listen- Angel and I saw (Y/n)...! We need y-" Before I could finished he picked up.

"I'm on my way."

Hey guys! Again, I will be doing a end-of-book Q and A so on this chapter post your questions! Have a good day and stay healthy! For more info on the End-of-book chapter I am going to post at the end, I believe it is in one of the chapters before this one! The chapter before last I think... Anyways, enjoy guys!
Tysm for my friend who drew the cover photo, it is not mine, it is hers. Idk her username on Wattpad but when I see her in the comments she will be put in the story description! Tysm, Petal!
Edit: her username is @Maliffic1725

Chapters till end; 6

The Unknown (Alastor x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang