The Promises of Friendship

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Edited on Sept. 22nd, 2021 

You waved back at the black and red-furred deer as it watched you from the edge of the woods, a feeling of worry having settled in your gut like pit seed. Though, after a long chat with Alastor on your walk here, it had at least eased a bit. One line repeated itself in your head as you departed from the safety of the forest; "I'll be close by," He had said, making your thoughts begin to lift from your shoulders. 

Turning away from the tree line, you began to walk down the sidewalk towards your school, the same one you took to work every day when you lived near here. You had made sure to pause and look around for any signs of your unwanted relative, your gaze flicking from the groups of people walking to school together, side by side. You had made sure to also look over the cars around you for anything police-related since he might have sent out a Missing person report by now. 

What would you do if he did show up? You glanced back at the woods towards where you last saw your demon companion but found nothing but trees, sun-dappled shadows, and swaying grass. You looked around a moment or two more before starting to slowly walk away and down the street, back towards your school. The walk was uneventful and silent for the most part, though you found yourself absentmindedly watching every car that drove towards or past. 

As you approached your school, walking up to the fount, you took note of the groups of people chatting outside of the main door, all with their respective uniforms. After making your way towards the two glass doors, you waved at a few of the people you recognized before heading in to get your books and such. You never wanted to bring your studies home, worrying that something would happen to them during one of the many fights in your old house, or simply hung over your head as a 'punishment'. 

Though you weren't exactly the most popular kid at this school, it was a fairly small one, so most everyone knew everyone else here. And, even though most people were pretty chill, there were a few who were still fairly rude to others and yourself. You hated conflict personally, mainly due to your at-home life, but sometimes you would find yourself caught in the crossfire, in which you would have to fight back. You didn't like it, but sometimes it must be done, as it goes most of one's life.

You didn't like that side of you, the side of you that you thought yourself to have gotten from your father himself. Looking to your side, you soon found your locker number and paused, trying your best to try to open the lock. After a moment or two, there was a light chuckle, who you had recognized to be a friend of yours, Eve. "You never have been too good at these locks, huh?" She teased, making you let out a giggle as you stepped aside to allow her to help you out.

"It's a good thing you have my combination memorized then, huh?" You joked in response, watching her as she unlocked your locker, trying to figure out what she was doing how you were failing so awfully at it. "I just don't get it, Eve!" You added, throwing your hands up in surrender as soon as the door popped open. 

"She should start charging you every time she has to do that," Your other friend, Ashe said from behind you, leaning on the lockers just a few inches away, causing you to jump once again.

"A-Ashe!" You yelped as you reached around to knock her in the arm playfully for her actions. "Don't do that!" The blue-haired female laughed at your words, clearly not going to be listening to them any time in the present or near future. 

"Jumpy today, aren't ya?" Ashe stated as she and Eve watched you look through your locker for your books and such. "And yes, I dyed my hair again, I think I like this color more than the dark red I used last time!" 

Eve playfully pushed the female to the side, "You always say that about your next color! Last week it was red, the week before it was purple, before that it was black, and so forth!" She said exasperated. "Why don't you just dye it rainbow and be done with it?" She asked playfully, turning her head towards Maple as she approached, her red hair bouncing against her shoulders like feathers, contracting her dark, chocolate eyes.

"Rainbow? No thank you!" She added with a gasp before running up to you and grasping you in one of her well-known Maple Hugs, which you really need right now. You giggled softly, hugging her back, having missed the warmth of friendship all these days. "You weren't at school Friday, (Y/n)! I- We missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mapes! And yeah, I wasn't feeling very well that day, so I stayed home." Your friends didn't know that much about your father's outbursts. And in truth, you really didn't want them to. Who knows what they would do if they did? Go to your house and yell at him? Tell a teacher? It didn't really matter now anyway, since you wanted to leave that life behind. "Oh, where're the others?" You asked, noticing that your other friends seemed to be missing at the moment.

"Oh, they're busy at the moment I think. Something about a club meeting?" Eve said with a shrug, shaking her head dismissively as Maple let go of you and hooked arms with Ashe and you once more. 

"C'mon, we need to get to class! We're already almost late!" Ashe yelped as she looked down at her watch, starting to lead everyone towards your first class; homeroom. It was a fairly easy class, one that hardly ever handed out work and was mostly used for a free working period for other classes. And, you had it twice a day-- once in the morning and then also for the last hour or so of school.

 As the four of you traveled down the halls, you stopped in front of your class and walked in after unlinking arms. Opening the door, you walked back to your desk near the door, the second row to the wall, and watched as Ashe took the one beside you nearest to the wall, Eve the one behind her, and the Maple behind you. Then, you saw William walk in and sit down at the seat in front of you, twisting in his seat to wave at you with a smile.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" He said with a grin, his dark-colored skin shining in the LED classroom lights as his amber yellow eyes looked back at your (e/c) ones. "It's been a while, how was your weekend?" He added curiously, making you visibly stiffen. 

"O-Oh, you know, nothing much," you said, looking away and down at your books as she got them out. "A friend of mine moved into town, and I moved in with them, but that's really about it." You lied, putting the books in your backpack after figuring out which ones you needed and didn't for Homeroom. About to open his mouth, clearly, to question your words, William was cut off by the teacher as she walked in, ready to start the class.

Because of how mind-numbing this class really was, it gave you time to think. Though you had had some time to process at home, yet again, one could never simply get over the death of someone as close to you as your mom, let alone in just a few days. You rested your chin in your hand softly, 'listening' to the teacher as he rambled on about the events of this week. In the meantime, you found yourself not thinking of your father, but of Alastor instead. 

You wondered where he had come from and how he had gotten to Earth, how your mother had found him, or did he find her? What was Hell like? Was it as firey and violent as people pictured it to be? Did the deer demon have some sort of rank down there, or was magic and such just normal down there? And even more so, you wondered why your mom felt so fearful of your father, that she felt like she had to send you a demon protector.

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