The Wolf and the Deer (part 1)

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Heya guys! Above is a pic of my cockteil Mercury being a dork. Love you all loves, and I did not feel like looking up a picccccc lol also, let me know if you want a face reveal in comments!
Your (e/c) eyes opened, a pounding headache thrummed harshly in your skull as you sat up from bed. Your eyes were red from crying before you passed out again. Your fingertips gingerly grazed your head, wandering into your hair and gripping the roots in a dull pain— a weak attempt to make it go away.
The suns fingers barely graced the horizon outside your room, sitting up your hair fell limp to its place. Your room was still dark, but you could see the outline of a man sitting on the corner. You yelped and chucked a pillow at it, hitting him in the face.
"Geeze, your jumpy but at least you have good instints in the morning," Alastor muttered, picking up the pillow and tossing it back, "here ya go, dear~" He said, the pillow hitting you in the chest.
"Oof." You breathed, falling back.
"So, what was up with the letter...?" Al said slowly, holding it up from his chest pocket, "Can I read it or no? Your call, doll." He said, sounding sympathetic as he sat down on the bed beside you. You nodded, tearing up again.
You tucked your head under the covers to hide your tears, Alastor must have saw because he started to rub soft circles on your upper back while reading.
The note- it had been writen by someone unknown but you knew who was with them... your dad. 'Dear (Y/n), my client is quite hurt you ran away from him dear-- and he wants nothing more than to to wrap his hands around you and finish what he started that night. Cant wait to meet you soon, The Wolf.' it read. You curled up, remembering your mother. The gun shot echoed around your brain from a moment-- making you curl up and shake, clutching your head in fear. Alastor pulled the covers off your head, looking down at your trembling form.
"You know doll, I will keep my promise to your mother. I will protect you, my fawn." Alastor said, using his fingers to play with your hair gently. You leaned into his touch, looking for comfort. "Do you want to do something to get the note off your mind darling?"
You nodded, "but wouldn't that be running from my problems...?" You asked, not even wanting to look at the note.  Alastor tapped it with one claw-baren gloved fingers and it burning in shadowy black fire, red light.
"No, your just in to much shock to try and logically think up a plan, dear. Don't worry about it." He said, "We will talk when it is due."
"okay..." You muttered, the paper now gone leaving no evidence it was even there or burned.
"Hm... how about we call Charlie and maybe her friend up here and you two have a girls night out? While you do I will look out for whom ever this 'Wolf' is." Alastor said.
"I would hate to make you do all of that for me..." you said, sitting up finally.
"Nonsense dear, I'm happy to help."
Charlie, Vaggie and you waved goodbye to Alastor and you two giggled before running off into town.
"Sooo, Al told me what happened and I wanted to tell you that we both are on your side, (Y/n)!" Charlie said, Vaggie nodded. They both looked more human at the moment, Charlie still had pale skin and rosy cheeks but her eyes turned brown. Here hair was normal and she wore back dress pants, suspenders, and a white blouse with red rims on the collar and sleeves.
Vaggie had tanned skin with her normal grey-pink hair with black roots, her eye was brown as well but the eye covered by her hair was grey (she wore her normal cloths).
The three had just arrived at a spa and Vaggie giggled stopping you two.
"Hold on guys, quite okay?" Charlie and you both nodded.
"Wussup Bitches!" Vaggie yelled into the store as she burst in, causeing Charlie and you to laugh.

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