Memories are Little More than Curses

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Hey guys! sorry this update took so long, i was making sure this was going down the path I wanted to make the ending make sense and tie together any loose ends I left floating around lol, drawing above is mine, Alastor style. this is not the original colors tho, below is the first one. Thank you all for you kind words and comments (especially my venting chapter)


Your eyes fluttered open, finding yourself in a room lit by a gold chandelier with 6 lit white candles

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Your eyes fluttered open, finding yourself in a room lit by a gold chandelier with 6 lit white candles. The room was all light blue of different shades and hues, with a royal blue canopy bed with silver accents on the plush comforter that laid atop the white sheets.

The walls were dark blue with slightly lighter strips followed by an occasional silver one as well. On either side of the bed you laid on, there was a pale stained wooden birch with lamp and scattered white candles on the top. It had a large vanity and mirror (also white birch) with a closet right next to it and a white bear fur rug laid at the foot of your bed with a pale blue moon-like shape dyed in the centre.
A single large window (more like glass door) on the other side of the carpet with the white curtains drew to block light with a balcony attached (you can't see that part yet though) and stained glass panels with wolves howling at a blue moon on the sides of the glass doorway. You slowly sat up and tossed the blankets over themselves to slide your legs out into the surprisingly warm air. Still fuzzy-minded from sleep, you looked down at yourself to find you were wearing something else then what your pretty sure you were in earlier; you could not quite remember.

 Still fuzzy-minded from sleep, you looked down at yourself to find you were wearing something else then what your pretty sure you were in earlier; you could not quite remember

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You looked into the full-body mirror by the glassdoors and in the dim candle-light and put a hand on your face, lightly touching just below your (e/c) eyes that were reddened. Why was that? Where you crying? Why?
The door opened silently behind you, rendering you oblivious that there was someone in the room with you now. You walked towards the glass door, gingerly opening the curtain only to be blinded by red light. You yelped, squeezing your eyes shut and slamming the curtains shut as fast as you opened them.
Your eyes saw sunspots around the room from the sudden lighting change, blinking rapidly you started to open them slowly to look out. Outside, red light beamed down from some sort of circle (from what you could see) in the sky, lighting up a city below. Creatures of all different shapes, sizes, colours, and races flourished; walking on blood-stained streets and casually stepping over a body or two. Shops with windows full of bullet-holes, doors with claw-marks, bent lamp-poles, burned walls were placed everywhere.
"Is something wrong?" A sleek voice said from behind you, making you jump with a quick gasp. You looked over with a lump in your thought to see a white-haired male in a white trenchcoat. Grey-blue ears from protruded from his head followed by playful but cold golden eyes with a white suit underneath the long coat. His hands had massive grey claws and golden chains and cuffs to accent his eyes well.
You felt like you knew him, but from where?
"I'm Lupus, don't you remember, (n/n)?" He asked, suddenly looking confused and concerned, "is something wrong?" He asked, gently grabbing your elbows in his white silk-gloved and running his hands down to yours.
His warm grip was gentle but forceful as well, like he thinks your gonna run away and he was ready to grab your arms. You glanced at his hands, shrugging.

"Nothing hurts or anything if that's what your asking, but I don't remember anything..."

~ ~ ~

Its been a day or two since you lost your memories due to curse that was put on you by a 'Deer Demon', or so Lupus said. He said that you and him were lovers before he died and that a demon named Alastor saw you were heartbroken so he tried to manipulate you for years. Lupus managed to go up to the human world to bring you down here and when you saw him you broke free from Alastor and he put a curse on you that you would forget everything about your life including your relationship with Lupus.

~ ~ ~

Alastor was livid. Rather it was towards you running away; or himself being so stupid he was unsure but since you ran off and got yourself caught he was more violent and found his thoughts drifting towards you more often then he would like to admit. He sat in his chair in his home (in hell, not on earth) and he scanned through his powers- trying to find the thin magic line that connected you two together through your deal.

You still had your necklace so the deal was still intact but something seemed to be blocking him from finding you farther then the fact you were in Hell. His eyebrows knitted together in thought, every time he tried to reach to you, something seemed wrong about you.

Like you were under a spell.

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