The Silence of Shadows

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Edited on Sept. 23rd, 2021

Your eyes softly opened, the bright rays of sunlight filtering through your window and hitting you like a Semi-truck to the face. Your body tensed in discomfort, curling up slightly with a hiss as you turned to the side and away from the bright light. Feeling around and grabbing the nearest pillow, you used it to block the sunshine behind you and look over at the wall. Ever since school had started, you had begun using the back of your bathroom door as a reminder area. A place for you to use all those sticky notes you got to remind yourself of dates and things you had to get done-- for school or elsewhere.

(E/c) eyes squinted at the notes that littered the door, though there were only five at the moment. "Write an essay for English... Read about World War 1... Get a newspaper from town... No school until Monday... Sleep over of Wendesd-" You read, cutting yourself off at the last one. Oh yah, that was today. It had been two days since the event at school, in which the group you had gotten into a fight with had gotten sent to the hospital. Alastor had beat them up pretty bad, the exact extent of the damages you weren't aware of yet, but they weren't dead. After the event, the school had ended up shutting down for the rest of the week to rethink their ways. Maybe to fix up the damages that were left behind from the fight; a few shattered tables, the busted lights, some messes to scrub out, among other things.

After passing out right after, you had woken up back at home, and the newsletter that your school sent out (which you had gotten via a borrowed school computer) seemed to be adressing the following steps. From the tone of the Email, you could make out the facts that they seemed to know. They seemed to remember them ganging up upon you, and then a few other people joining in to hold them back; that must have been Alastor's doing. 

You sat up slowly, tossing the sheets backand getting dressed, straitening up your room slightly to make room for guests. Putting on a simple, comfortable outfit ((Pic above, but it's up to you)) that consisted of a sweater Tee, skinny jeans, and black flats. Working your way out of the room after finishing up your morning rutine, you walked down the hall and paused on top of the stairs for a moment.

Walking down the steps, you looked into the game room to your left, and then the dining room to your right for any signs of the deer demon. "Alastor?" You called out softly, walking into the kitchen after taking a moment to listen out for him. You opened the fridge and peered inside for something you could make for a quick breakfast. Settling on pancakes and sliced fruit, you began to cook silently, the sound of the mixing of pancake batter filling the air. As soon as you had started pouring it onto the hot pan, a knock was heard at the door, causing you to jump slightly.

Slowly looking over to the door near the stairs in the hallway, you saw the dark shape of someone outside, waiting for you to answer. Softly pausing to grab another iron pan, you approached the hall to answer the door. When you opened it, you saw Maple and Ashe standing at the door, bags in hand, as they grinned. After telling them about moving into a friend's house in the woods, they had been admitted to being very interested in seeing the place, since they had never been over to your old home. And so, here they were. 

"Hey, (Y/-," Maple paused, looking at the pan you were holding like a weapon over one shoulder, "What's that?" you followed their gaze before realizing what they meant, and lowered the heavy, iron object. 

"Oh! I was just making breakfast, I much have forgot to put the pan down," You lied with a giggle, rubbing the back of your neck before stepping aside. "Please, come in! You're both early, did you already eat?" You asked as you shut the door behind them, watching as they looked around with wide eyes.

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