The Beast may be Closer than you Think

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(This first part is in Al's POV btw)

After I had made sure my little dear was asleep in bed, I began to think to myself about the lies she told. Darling was good at coming up with the, on the spot— I'll give her that— but was not very convincing. I had, and still plan on, with-holding the information I have gathered ever since that note (the first one) and I know whom the issue is from. Dispite my power, I believe this fight may be harder then I believed at first.
For one, the Wolf I believe I know in person and the father and him may have something going on I had never thought of. Even for me, however, it was a desperate move for little (Y/n)'s father; a deal.
I believe he and this Wolf fellow made a silly little deal over my Darling. Over what? I believe I have an idea although it would be... inconvenient for me. I have and still am considering the idea of taking Darling Dear into hell to ride it out until her father dead though it would be hard on her weak human body— and pain was a no-no on her dear mother's contract.
If it was either a deal or a contract would make this all the easier or more difficult. A contract is when the demon bends to the wishes of the contractor and in return the demon gets the contractors soul when they die and a deal is when the demon and the human agree on something and both get something out of it. Like a trade per say.
If it was a contract— easy. I kill the contractor and the demon takes the soul and leaves. It it is a deal though, even if the human died they still get their side and the other one's side as well.
Maybe I should have a t̘̟̼̉̈́͐͋͌̊a̘̫͈̭͌͛͌̇̇̍l͕͖͉̭̰ͬ̍ͤ͆̊ͨk̲̱̠̞̖ͧ̔͊̇̽̿̑ͯͅ with this Wolf.

~ ~ ~ Your POV ~ ~ ~

Al has not been home all day so instead you've been hanging with Angel! It has been rainy and cold outside all day so outdoors was not really an option. He painted your nails (f/c) and had told fun stories until you had brought up the last time you where here alone.
"What happened, toots? Why are you blushing~? Tell Daddy Angel!" He teased, putting all his hands on his hips.
"W-well....," you laughed, "I was trying to do a handstand..." you laughed harder.
"...and...?" Angel pushed.
"And well...!" You laughed harder.
"Damnit kid! Spit out the details and stop teasing me!" He yelled, laughing too.
"And Al w-walked in and I forget I was wearing a n-night gown. And gravity just—!" You did not need to finish not get to for Angel Dust had burst out laughing and you followed. He laughed so hard that when he slapped the table, the fork from lunch jumped off the table. You laughed so hard that you banged your head down on the table to laugh into the crook of your elbow.
Angel leaned back, then forwards to put an elbow on your back to support himself.
"And—... how did h-he react?!" Angel laughed. You said nothing, only looking at him with tears in you eyes as you burst out laughing again and twice as hard. Angel followed— probably laughing twice as hard as you were.
"So what do ya' say we do more fun activities!" Angel laughed, you nodded.
"Like w-what?" You asked, smiling— almost laughing, "Hide and seek?"
"What's that?"
"Well.." though thought, "it's when one person goes and hides and when there done the other person goes to find them." Angel nodded.
"Okay, sugar! Let's do that!"
And thus it began. The most intense game of hide and seek, you've probably ever played. You went first, mainly to demonstrate, after setting the boundaries of anywhere indoors except in Alastor's bedroom and bathroom. You ran into the library, climbed up on the ladder and sat in the window that was about 4 feet off the ground. You drew the curtain back, hiding yourself from the inside of the room just as you heard Angel finish counting.
After about 2 minutes, he had found you and so you went next. Do you put your head in the corner of the library as you counted into the wall, 30. It took you a while to find him, but when you manage to he was holding himself up using all four arms on the chandelier that you had passed under multiple times.
After that, it was your turn again and you chose to hide in the cabinet in the kitchen. That is full of clothes, you just push them aside and hid behind the pile. It took Angel about 5 minutes to find you that round. For the next two rounds, you found him hiding in the same spot— in your room under the bed.
However, you are known to be quite good at this game so you shoved yourself under the game-room's couch, somehow managing to squeeze yourself between it's bottom and the floor comfortably. Hehe, he'll never find me under here.
And you are right, we passed by several times, he found about 10 minutes later, it was severely confused as to how you got under there.
"Magic!" You teased.

~ ~ ~

More fan art above, thank you very much for the work that you put into it Marcela! Every time I see your work, it gets better and better! Again, send all artwork to my email and my discord is Luner.Pheonix#5002 To hear from you! Questions:

Cookiestargazer asked everyone; What does your wall smell like?

Al: "old book pages!"
Ang: "perfume...?"
Husk: "Alcohol."
Char: *Sniffing every wall in hotel* "like paper and glue!!!!"
Vags: "...Why do you ask such things?"
Phe: lemme go check lol... like my acrylic paint! It's true, I sniffed it.

Anyways, that's in the kitchen to find, if I miss your question just commented again for coming another question blow this chapter in our answer all of them next chapter! Again it could be for me, for one of the characters, but not for the client if it is something to do with the plot I will just say you'll find out soon! If I respond got it on any of your questions, it means that it is written down and answered in the next chapter! Well a little extra this time for all of you guys and asking questions yesterday! Good night/day! Also, first person to guess how old I am get a shout out in a custom picture drawn by me, I don't know why am doing this but I feel like it UwU

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