Warm Water Calms Quaking Minds till Night

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Thank you very much for the wonderful fanart above, I love it so much and that is her character she put in there, believe her name is Moxy! Thank you!
You nodded slowly, your eyes starting to cry harder; the adrenaline starting to were off. It was just like you remembered, on his often drunken nights when your mother went to the store you would hide from him when he came over. You would shake and cry in your hiding spot, hoping, praying for him not to find you. But this time you weren't so lucky, but you had help.
Alastor felt you shaking just before you collapsed from panic— passing out. You fell back into Alastor's chest limply, and he craned his neck to look down at your face quietly.
"Dear? Are you alright?" I asked, knowing I would not get an answer. She had passed out. I felt her shaking and new it was probably from fear of a memory or just seeing her father. Humans are so fragile.
"Enjoying ya' self, Al?" Angel cooed from the door frame behind me, smirking, "can I join in?"
Alastor's smile turned into a grin, his head spinning all the way around to look at him. The air thickened, Angel on high alert, and Alastor's aura darkened.
"The next time you talk to (Y/n) in that way, with be the last time you talk at all." He said darkly as Alastor picked your unconscious body up with ease and teleported upstairs and laid her down on her bed; leaving a trembling Angel behind. Alastor used his magic to tick the covers over you as he walked out.

~ ~ ~

You woke up, on high alert as you remembered yesterday— or what you thought was yesterday. You picked up your phone And check the date you are correct and it was the day after; Saturday. You put it back down and got up to take a bath in silence.
You found the more you thought about yesterday, the more you begin to shake despite the warm water. After about half an hour, the water began to chill but you found it had helped you calm down. That was— until you found a note on your bed.
You did not read it, but put it in the cabinet with the other one.
~ ~ ~
You struggle to keep your eyes open how do you sat on your bed, drawing and playing games on your phone. You weren't quite sure when you are going to sleep, but the next thing I knew you were having another nightmare.
You watched in fear as your father silently slapped you mother for the second time, putting the same scarlet red handprint decorating her face right in front of you. You were once again forced to watch as her beautiful green eyes watered as she fell slowly to the hard tile floor in only a foot or so away from her shaking feet.
Her eyes met yours mid fall and in a split moment she shared to you the same brief words she mouthed just a few weeks ago; 'locket' and 'run'.
She hit the floor at your feet with the same cracking noise of bones hitting stone and you began to cry.
You saw your father cock that very same hellish shotgun that was just above the table, mounted on the very same wall and in the very same place as you remembered it and aimed it's cold barrel at your mother whom was just starting to stagger up to look up at the man you once called your father-- no longer.
You knew you ran at this time, but your legs would not move. You were forced to watch his take a steady aim with one eye closed.
"I should have dealt with you a long time ago, Winch." The silent sound of a shotgun firing echoed over the walls as he went outside-- to look for your past self who ran
You ran over to your limp mother, the nightmare replayed over and over in your head-- knowing well what was happening outside. Your mother's ragged attempts to breathe thru the small whole just between her collar blades. Blood seethed from the fresh wound, still warm but clotting as she drowned in her own crimson blood.
Your eyes watered, crying silently as she wythed on the floor. It tore at you to know that she was alive and still in pain when you ran. If you would have turned around and gave your chasing father the slip and came back-- maybe you could have saved her!
Large, warm, and salty tears pooled in your eyes as you picked her up but your hands went threw her. You were torn, what could you do now? She's already dead. You felt something behind you, a feeling of energy more than anything; a tingling on your skin.
Slowly turning your eyes, your mind stuck on the sight of your dead mother to see nothing-- but you could hear it.
"A shame for a child like you to go threw, huh?"
The awful déjà vu friends tonight to go stream wash over you, are you turned around to see a wolf sitting there looking at you. He was a blue grey colour, the tips of his father however we are brown. He looked at you with two thick, golden eyes.
"We will find you."

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