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Say goodbye to the author.


"Hello!" I said cheerfully. 

That Hoseok guy greeted me with a cold, harsh glare. 

"What the fvck you are doing here? You don't think you should apologize to Taehyung. I don't get you girls. What do you think that you are the most important person in the world?!" 

Wow. That. Was harsh. 

"B-but he was at fault, too. And anyways we "girls" need to look after ourselves of course." I replied.

"You- you just dissed yourself." He asked creeped out.

"Yeah. Well you can't hide the truth. And by the way, I can all the way down here to apologize your friend when he should apologize. Just to get chased by a pig and donkey hybrid which does not  even have the IQ of Anderson. And no one more stupider than Anderson." I said spewing out my anger and frustration in front of some guy who wants to literally kill me.



"Ohh! That guy is crazy." 

"That is the truth." I ended our conversation.


"So dancing?" I said.

"I thought you are going to apologize Taehyung." He said in a better tone than before.

"Yeah. I can't find him. And I am nit going to enter the boys dorm for him. He kissed me. I defended. End of the story. I didn't hit him out of the blue. And on top of that he was high." I said. 

"Yeah. I heard. I actually forgot that in the sudden jump scare you gave me. It was actually scary. And I apologize for my rash behavior back there." He laughed pretty awkwardly.

Until I realised something.

"Hey! You have a heart shaped smile!!" I exclaimed scaring him again.

"O-oh. T-thanks. And please stop screaming out of no where." He said, still shaken up.

"Sorry." I said, sheepishly. 

Dooo weeeeee doooooo we do~

I quickly picked up the phone to get out of the heavy tension.


"Hey! You said you'll call me back. You didn't. So like a good person I called back." My dear sister said.

"Wah! (Good!) Now cut the crap and tell me what do you want?" I replied.

"I want to tell our mom to allow me to come there in South Korea. I want to meet you." Tai (elder sis) said, quite sincerely.

"I-I missed you, too. But you are an effing adult you can come by your own wish." I said, sensing her sincerity. 

"But girlfriend isn't listening to me. She thinks that mom will get mad if we came there to meet you." She said.

"Tu swatantra vicharachi adhunik mulgi ahes. Tu swatahache decisions gheu shakte, I guess? (You are a lady with independent thoughts. You can make your decisions, I guess?)" I said, quoting a dialogue from our one of our favorite plays.

I sensed that Hoseok guy looking at me. After all I said something from a different language.

"Shut up. I'll try. I'll tell mom you said yes." She hung up.

I heaved a long sigh. My sister is a crazy person but she loves me.

"Which language did you just speak in?" Came the expected question from Hoseok.

"Marathi. My mother tongue. " I said smiling, thinking about how I can just swear at him without him understanding.

"Can you teach me?" He asked, looking at me.... Hopefully?

"What? You were just eye murdering me!" I once again nearly screamed.

"You know I have a boyfriend? I know you do. Joon told you. I know. So, my bf is a cute guy who is a badass rapper. He disses everyone including me. My eldest hyung. Our Seokjin-hyung. He also disses me a lot. That's why I want some swear words so that I can swear without getting a scolding." He said smilingly.

"Well it'd be weird to teach you swear words. Like you don't know what it means and I do, and I'm repeating it again and again. Aaand the swear words are too much offending. I don't want me to say it to you and you to anyone else. On top of that you can't pronounce them quite well. They are tongue twister type something." I said.

"Then something less offending and simple to pronounce." He spoke, once again his eyes full of hope.

"Okay. But later on. Not now. But remind me. I'll bring a dictionary." I said, jokingly.

"Well. Okay." He said not even phased by how I was going to bring a dictionary to teach him swear words.

"Welllllllllllllll............... I'm gonna go. You keep dancing. And yes! Bring th-bring Taehyung tomorrow behind canteen. I'll apologize there. So, no one can see us and no drama." I said moving out of the room.


"Wait!" He called out, "Do you dance?" 

"Well yeah. In India, if you can't dance, you are not the perfect child. Every single friend of mine has learnt some form of dance. They ere quite nice though. The types of dances, not my friends." I said remembering the mischievousness of my stupid but kinda lovable friends.

"I know Tunak tunak!" He said excitedly, "But I won't forget to check them out. And I am going to drag you out of your room to this very room to see you dancing. Understand?" He said- no, threatened me.

"Fine. We'll see about that later. Bye!" 

I turned around and gracefully waddled out of the room hoping I wouldn't run into Ran.


Sorry for the late update. Don't expect till 23rd March. If I update, it will mean that I was feeling lucky. -_-;

Well, I spent yesterday watching this:



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