Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, about twenty years ago, Maleficent and Hades were married in front of the entirety of the kingdoms. Taking the opportunity Maleficent and Hades together united the kingdoms into the United States of Auradon. They rounded up all of the pesky villains and shipped them off to the Isle of the Lost where together they put a magic barrier around it with no way out. No magic, no freedom, and most of all no fresh food except for the occasional shipments of less than perfect or ideal supplies.

On the isle of the lost, your gang meant everything, who you aligned with and what areas of the isle were safe. So it was natural that the gang with the best leader be the safest. That gang was the Beast's gang. The son of the Beast to be exact. The son of the formerly spoiled prince who kidnapped the daughter of a thief and kept her hostage. His name? Benjamin Beast and he ran the majority of the isle, the parts that Aziz and his group didn't run. The main members of the group were Audrey, Chad, and Lonnie. They were the most feared villain kids on the isle. Together they laid claim to the main hubs of the island except for the Docks.

Audrey was a beautiful girl, daughter to sleeping beauty whose parents stole Maleficent's wings out of fear. She was punished for what her grandparents did. She, however, was less than evil, she was a fashionista and a well-known heartbreaker. Her beauty was well known on the isle as was her viper like tongue that spit poisonous words as effortlessly as breathing. She was only really nasty and bitchy at best but she could play hardball with the worst of the worst.

Chad was the son of little Cinderella and her not so prince charming. His mother ended up here while his father roams free. Everything was fine until it wasn't. Cinderella's pretty and sweet facade hid a desire for revenge for how cruel her family was to her even after they saw the error of their ways. She attempted to kill them and got herself sent away, not before she managed to get pregnant with Chad. Chad is a charming and handsome young man but lacking a lot in the brain department. He is selfish and brutish with a womanizing streak to boot.

Lonnie was the daughter of the infamous Mulan. The woman who dishonored her family, posed as a man to invade the imperial army and nearly killed the war hero Shanyu. Once she was discovered to be a woman her family was disgraced, and she was sent to the isle instead of the typical sentence of death. Despite her heroics, she is remembered as a liar and a fake. However, the law was law. Lonnie much like her mother defies stereotypes. She is a bold and edgy young woman with a mean streak. The last person in the Beast's Gang that you wanted to piss off is Lonnie. She is one hell of a fighter and tends to rough it up better than all the boys.

Finally, you have the leader himself, Benjamin Beast. His father captured and enslaved Belle for her father's trespasses. Ultimately it wasn't until Ben had already been conceived that Gaston the brave rescued Belle and took her back to her father. Once Ben was born he was sent to the Isle as Belle could never live with the reminder of the Beast. Ben was raised by an abusive and commanding father who always expected too much from him. The beast was human before he was transformed into the hideous creature he was. He was a prince and he raised Ben to be one too. Ben is a self-assured natural-born leader. He plays into the bad boy stereotype well but isn't much of a heartbreaker. The only person he ever dated was Audrey and that quickly didn't pan out as they both discovered they were better friends than anything more.

There are more notable people in the gang, Doug and Jane. Doug is the son of Dopey, one of the dwarves that kidnapped snow white, who was attempting to rob the dwarves in the process. Jan was the daughter of the wickedest villain of all, Fairy Godmother. She is the least fairy-like woman who would show up and bestow gifts, that later turned out to be curses, upon people. They hang about and manage as lackeys but really aren't part of the core group. They aren't tough or as hard as the main four.

Then you have the main rival gang, Aziz's street rats. They primarily control the dock where the shipments come in. They tend to steal the good stuff first. It's mainly comprised of Aziz, Jordan, and Melody. Aziz is the son of the thief and the attempted sultan of Agrabah, Aladdin. Once his lineage proved not to be royal, he was sentenced to the Isle as punishment despite being in love with Jasmine, the sultan's daughter. Jordan is the daughter of the genie who helped Aladdin fake being a prince. He suffered the same fate as Aladdin. Finally Melody, the odd one out of the group being the daughter of Princess Ariel and Prince Eric. Yes, a princess. Her mother's banishment from Atlantica after Ursala fulfilled her deepest wish put her at the mercy of the humans. Ariel didn't understand human life and never really grew accustomed to the way of life on land. This led to innocent intentioned theft and accidental murder with a fork she referred to only as her dinglehopper. This ragtag group is the only one that openly opposes Ben's Beast gang because of a nasty feud with Aziz.

Everything was rotten as usual for the original four, but it wasn't until in Auradon, the son of the Cruella De Vil the dog expert and puppy saver, Carlos talked to his friend the daughter of Maleficent and Hades about a dream he was having. A dream where the innocent children of villains would get a chance at happiness and freedom in Auradon.

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