6 july, 2019 part 2

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as you may know i like too make sure that all the events that happen in reality for the boys in the book but were going to reschedule the tour atm just for this....

joeys p.o.v
of course jakobs asleep.

'dude, wake up' i said opening the car door poking at my brother to wake him up.

'ughhh what do you want' jakob says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

'Sara has to have the baby right now' i say standing out of theway so he can get out of the car.

'what why' he asked.

'well apparently something is wrong with the baby, the doctor didnt tell us why but we found out were having a son' i say with a smile at the end.

'congratulations dude, im happy for you' he said hiving me a side hug.

the walk from the car to the doctors office felt like an eternity and finding our son could pass away is not good.

with all this shit that lara is going through right now last thing we need is for us to loose the baby.

i cant bare for that to happen.

i just hope the boys wont mind because drumming right now is at the least of my worries.

Sara's p.o.v
ive called seb, cole, troye, jordon, taylor and now max.

max is literally my brother and it sucks to have to tell him.

i unlock my phone and search max's name in my contacts and press the phone icon to start calling.

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

'hello' i hear max say on the other end.

'max im sorry i tried to tell him to go but hes refusing to go' i rambled.

'what are you talking about' he asked confused.

'max i have to give birth to our son today' i say hearing him gasp as i tried to hold back my tears.

'oh my god your having a son congratulations' he says sounding happy.

'i just- if you want to fly here to see me and joey after birth you can' i say snuffling a bit.

'yea were making our way, buddha will fix shit up dont worry about any of that' he said with a reassuring tone of voice.

'thanks max' i say smiling a bit.

'all good stay strong well get there as soon as we can' he replied.

we said our goodbyes an now only 4 more hours until i was giving birth to my first child at 19 years old....

** time skip to birth **

nothing we heard nothing.

no screams nothing.

only the sounds of nurses and doctors hooking our son up to all the chords.

dr brown sewing my stomach back up.

i didn't feel anything.

i couldn't feel anything.

i was numb.

my emotions taking the best of me.

i was just there.

a few tears started running down my cheeks.

joey holding my hand.

his head down.

i feel my hand become wet from his tears aswell.

'what did i do' i whisper.

'what, Sara, youve done nothing but take care of yourself for the past 5 months, nothing right now is your fault, trust me' joey says as his puffy red eyes were looking into mine.

'Sara, joey' dr brown started looking down. 'im sorry but its too late, his gone' he says.

'im done' i whispet into the distance.

'what' joey says.

'im done, i cant just let go of something ive been excited for my while life.

'your not done your staying here i cant loose two of you' he say holding onto my hand so tight it started to go numb.

'would you like to hold' one of the nurses asked.

'yes please' i say through sobs.

'hi baby' i say looking down at my now not alive son.

'me and mommy would like you to know that we love you so much and we wish we coupd give you the biggest hug of all time and we wish we could've raised you to be the best baseball player in the world' joey says through tears but with a smile on his face, as i giggled at how joeys always wanted to raise a baseball player.

'okay so were going to get out fixed up and you can leave tomorrow and ill email you about your son later' dr brown says getting the nurse to come take him.

me and joey both kiss the too of his head and i start to cry again.

** time skip to two months later **

two months has passed since i had our son.

we ended up naming him leo joseph armstrong.

leo because if my birth star and joesph armstrong because, well i guess you can figure that one out.

it took me 3 weeks until i finally left joeys room.

i didnt want ti leave i blamed myself for everything, and to be honest i still do, i always will.

i hate what happened but the boys are coming back from tour and im back in australia for a week recording my next cover album than im meeting with joey has hes coming back here.

i haven't been myself since that day.

the day that changed my life forever.

swmrs didnt say 2019 is a fucking disaster for nothing.

july 6th 2019 will forever be the worst day of my life.....

thank you for reading, please vote!!!!

sorry its been a while ive been busy but im back.

also joey has finally washed his face so round of applause for him 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

song of the day
Story Of Us
Taylor Swift

should I stay or should I go ? (Joey Armstrong x reader)Where stories live. Discover now