6 july, 2019

42 2 0

Sara's P.O.V
my alarm went off at 5 this morning, as my doctors appointment was at 6 so me, joey and jakob could fly to pittsburgh for yhe berkeleys on fire tour.

i sat up and started to feel really bad pains in my stomach.

'good morning gorgeous' i heard joey say behind me.

i shut my eyes tightly to hold back the tears and turned around to say 'good morning' i put on a fake smile as he frowned.

'whats wrong' he says as he sits up.

'nothing' i say shaking my head trying to stand up but failling back onto the bed.

he rushes over and looks at me worried.

'Sara whats wrong' he says holding onto my hands kneeling down in front of me.

'i have bad stomach pains and im starting to feel sharp pains in my back and i feel like im going to be sick' i say crying by the time i finished my sentence.

'okay im gonna take you to the bathroom and get dressed ill get your clothes too and well leave to the doctors, okay' he asks looking at me concerned.

i nodded and started to stand feeling more pain in my back and stomach.

he helped me walk over to the toilet and as soon as i hit the ground i threw up everything i had for dinner last night.

joey rubbed my back and told me to have a quick shower before we leave.

he went back into the bedroom and got dressed as well as grabbed my clothes and put them in the bathroom for when i was done.

as soon as i got out of the shower i heard a knock at the bedroom door.

'wassup' i heard joey say as he opened his door.

'ugh are leaving soon' i heard jakob ask.

'yea Sara just gonna finish getting ready than well leave, well be like 20 minutes' he replied.

as soon as he said that i quickly got dried and dressed but as soon as i was putting my underwear i noticed blood dripping down my leg.

i stood there shocked not knowing what to do.

i quickly grabbed out a tampon and finished getting dressed, which consisted of me wearing a black jumpsuit with brown buttons on the chest and my old school vans.

i applied just mascara and than brushed the knots out of my hair and lastly grabbing my glasses and purse.

joey and jakob starting loading up the car with our shit for tour as i prepared travel cups of coffee for us and a banana each.

i hopped in the car and we started to drive to the doctors.

i noticed that jakob had his headphones in as we could both here it and decided i should tell joey.

'joey' i say looking at him concerned.

'hmm' he hummed in response.

'i- 'i sighed not being able to tell him.

'whats wrong' he said, softly placing his hand on my thigh and slightly looking at me but turing his head back to the road.

'i bleed this morning' i say looking down in shame.

'fuck' joey says hitting the steering wheel.

'im sorry i didnt tell you, you were packing and i was getting ready and i was scared, not of telling you but knowing what could be happening or what is happening' i ramble one making joey smirk and laugh a bit.

'Sara dont be sorry okay, as heartbreaking its going to be hearing the news if its true but i love, god im in love with you and i completely understand that this will be hard for you more than it will be for me'  he says pulling up in the carpark.

'imma just stay in here' jakob said as me and joey looked at eachother.

we were walked straight into a room after joey told them what happened this morning and our doctor came in.

'good morning' dr brown says rushing in. 'okay so Sara up you get imma do an ultrasound try to listen to the heartbeat and then we'll see what we are gonna have to do' he said mainly talking to himself.

i walked over to the chair and pulled down my jumpsuit to my waist as dr brown put the cool gel on my stomach and stated to find a little baby.

'okay would you like to know the gender' the doctor said.

i looked over aat joey and he nodded slightly.

'i think its best' i say with tears forming in my eyes.

'okay well your having a boy congratulations' he says with a smile i look over at joey who walked over to me and held my hand.

'and now we are going to listen to the heartbeat' he says getting ready.

we heard his heartbeat and sighed in relief but dr brown wasnt too happy.

'dr brown is everything okay' joey asked noticing something is wrong.

'hang with me for a second' he said running out.

i looked at joey and started crying.

'what the fuck is going on joey' i say through sobs.

'i dont know baby but i promise you we will get through it okay' he says holding onto my hands tightly.

he kissed me softly but passionately as if it was the last time he'll see me.

we pulled apart and looked into eachothers eyes.

'i love you so much Sara, please never leave' he says tears forming in his eyes too.

'okay we have some bad new and some good news, what do you want to here first' dr browm says rushing through the room door.

'ugh good' i say looking at joey.

'alright well good news is youll meet your son soon and bad news is its going to be today' he said looking at us worringly.

'what no it cant, i have a show in pittsburgh' joey said panicing.

'im sorry mr armstrong but it wont survive if we dont do it now' he says fixing me up and walking back out to leave is alone.

we sat in silence for a but looking at the ground.

'dont stay' i said breaking the silence.

'what' he looks at me confused.

'dont stay, go to your show your fans need you, ill be fine' i say looking at him with a sad smile.

'funny real funny, no if you think im leaving you your fucked, we'll reschedule the show, the fans and boys will understand' he replied not taking no for an answer i looked at him and smiled than stood up fixing my jumpsuit up and shaking my head.

'i love you mr armstrong' i say mocking dr brown.

joey laughs and sits next to me on the bed.

'ill call the boys, you go get jakob' i say kissing his cheek.

'be back' he says kissing my forehead in return leaving me in the room to tell the news to the boys....

thank you for reading leave feedback please...

this chapter was much needed sorry but happy new year and merry christmas....

song of the day
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
My Chemical Romance

should I stay or should I go ? (Joey Armstrong x reader)Where stories live. Discover now