29 july, 2017

59 2 0

Sara's P.O.V
3 years has past and a lot has happened.

I went to my first ever concert I saw Taylor Swift on her 1989 world tour

I might of dated Jakob yep Joeys brother it only lasted 2 months, lets say he ignored me for a while.

I might have fucked 2 people max and cole.

Michelle's Max's girlfriend was pissed but she expected my apology put it wasn't the same with max but they are still together.

my channel passed 15 million subscribers.

I dated a guy in 2016 named Michael Clifford from the band 5SOS and he cheated on me I found out on New Year's Eve.

I also went on one date with this guy named Sam he's from the band Neck Deep and we didn't really feel like we'd EVER be together so we just said we'll be friends.

Emily's Army lost their guitarist and now max is the guitarist and they have a new bass player named seb and he's pretty cool who am I kiddy he's amazing, and they changed their name to SWMRS don't ask why we all don't have a proper explanation you'll just get something stupid like "we like swimming".

now it's almost my birthday and I've just broken up with my most recent boyfriend Shawn yes Shawn Mendes.

I just found the it something he did while I was out shopping with his sister and now I'm on a plane heading towards Oakland, California.

I knocked on the door of the armstrong house.

'Sara hey, oh my god what's wrong' Adrienne opened door.


'do you wanna talk about it or do you want me to get joey'

'uh can I talk with you' I asked

'yes sure honey come on in'

she stepped aside for me to enter their house I left my suitcase full of my things at the door and walked over to the couch.

'so what happened'

'well I was shopping with his sister Aaliyah and I went to scan my card and it declined which never happens so I looked at my bank account and it was empty I only had $24 left I had like 10 million and now it's all gone I looked at my history and it said that it had gone to Shawns account under emergency and there's no emergency I went back to the apartment after dropping Aaliyah of and confronted him and he refused to give it back so I packed my things and left' I finished while starting to cry.

'so he stole you money'

'pretty much' I calmed myself down.

'Sara is everything okay' joey asked running over to me.

'I'll leave you to alone' Adrienne said while walking away somewhere.

'shawn and I broke up' I looked at him as he sat next to me.

I hugged into his side as he held.

'wanna tell me why'

I told him the story but I either felt calmer with him or I just ran out of tears.

'it's suck a fucking fucktard'

'ik' I laughed at his comment.

'so you wanna stay with us for a while'

'yea if that's okay'

'no it's all good when do you wanna go back home you have your 18th birthday party back at your mums don't you'

'yea only because she said she ain't gonna be home so do it there'

'okay what ever you want'

I smiled at his response and we went up stairs.

he brought my suitcase up to and we put it in my room.

** time skip to bed time **

I ended up telling Billie over the phone as he is currently on tour for his new green day album Revolution Radio.

I was lying awake staring at the roof tears rolling down my cheeks and in expression was left of my face.

I was starting to think I want to go into joeys room and see if he's awake and that's exactly what I did.

I got up and walked across the hallway and knocked on joeys door.


I opened and see him lying there facing the roof some of his hair covering his face man have I missed him.

'what's wrong' he sat up as soon as he saw me.

'I can't sleep to much on my mind'

'do you want to sleep in here' he asked moving more to the left so I could fit in on his right side.

'if that's okay with you'

'forever and always' he smiled I did giggle at his stupid Taylor Swift puns but it was pretty cute.

I got onto the bed and pulled up the covers I payed in my back before I started talking to him.

'I missed you ya know'

'I missed you to'

'no like these past what 4 months have just gone and you haven't been in any of them I barely go to speak to you and it makes me sad that you've been gone'

'well I'm here now' he said Turing in his side wrapping his arm around me.
I turned my head to look at him and he had his goofy looking smile in his face, I smiled back and shit my eyes and took a big deep breath.

'what are you not telling me' he questioned sounding confused.

'he didn't treat me right' I said bluntly obviously now talking about my new ex.


'he- I think he only wanted me for sex ya know like that's all he would do and try to get on me and I'd have to push him off. I couldn't even watch a Disney movie without having him try something on me' joeys arm that was around my waist tightened and brought me closer to him.

'I hate when people don't treat someone as special as you nicely. your such an amazing person with so much to give, no one should ever be treated like that especially not you I'm glad yous two have broken up I'm just pissed your money is all gone'

'you don't have to pissed but I appreciate the fact you care about me so much' I finished and closed my eyes about to doze of into a sleep.

but just before I fell deeply into a sleep I realised I fell deeply in love with the person that just faintly whispered 'of course I care about how could I not, I love you Sara'...

thank you for reading this chapter..... just thought I'd skip a few years and try and get to the part we're they start dating hint it's not till 2019 but i will skip more months.

please comment and vote thank you

going to try and post as much as I can.

song of the day
Something In The Way

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