26 January, 2019

41 1 0

Sara's P.O.V
I woke up with some really bad cramps and then it popped.

fuck periods.

I got up and went to the bathroom only forgot if to grab a pad.

well shit.

I clean up a bit and place some toilet paper on my underwear while I run back into the bedroom and grab my suitcase and try to find my pads.

fuck last one.

I grab it and fix my self up in the bathroom.

need to go to the shops.

I walk out of the bedroom and see joey on his phone.

'good morning' I say grabbing clothes getting dressed.

'why are you getting dressed early' he asked sitting up.

'ugh i need to go to the shops and and get some pads and tampons' I sat grabbing jeans and a shirt.

'that time of the month is it' he asked getting out.

'yep, imma ask if Jordan wants to come with me if that's okay' I ask.

'yea sure take my car if you want' he says giving me hug.

'thank you' I say kissing him softly.

I get dressed in jeans and my 'thank you for the venom' my chem shirt and my old school vans.

'alright I'll go ask Jordan' I say walking to the spare room.

I knocked on the door and heard come in so I entered.

'hey wondering if Jordan wanted to come to the shops' I ask looking at Jordan.

'ugh yea I'll get dressed she says getting out of bed to get her suitcase.

'can I still stay here' Colby asks.

'um yea I think the boys are coming over soon though so if you haven't met them you can' I reply.

'boys' he asked also getting out of bed.

'cole, max and seb' I say while walking out of the room to let them get ready.

I go back into joeys and grab my phone and my purse.

'alright I'm leaving my I say walking over to joey sitting on his desk chair working on music.

'okay' he says as he turns around to kiss me.

It only lasted a few seconds and then I put my arms around his neck from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder.

'what you working on' I ask.

'I'm emailing the demo I made the other day to cole so he can write something out for today' he replied.

'you ready' I heard Jordan say at the door.

'alright bye' I say and give joey a peck on the lips as I walk out of the room.

I get in the driver side of joeys bmw and Jordan gets in the passenger side.

'wow he's car is really nice, how come he doesn't drive it often' she asked taking in the design.

'I dunno laziness I guess' I answered as I pulled out of the drive way.

we got to the shops and we went in got the essentials when Jordan got a phone call.

I don't like ears dropping into peoples conversa- okay that's a lie I am a bit nosy but I mean aren't we all.

I heard like oh okay that fine love you and then she hung up.

'who was that' I ask walking up to the self serve checkouts.

'Colby he's going home' she says sounding disappointed.

'maybe I'll push joey into the music room and we can have a girls night then' I say walking out of the shops.

'okay sounds like a plan' she smiles.

we drove back home and see that the Becker's are here.

we walk inside and I go to joeys room first and put my pads and tampons in his bathroom and then me and Jordan walk to the music room where the noise was coming from.

'hey girls' cole shouted coming over to the both of us.

'hey cole' we both said.

we went over and said hello to max and seb and obviously joey.

'hey Jordan can I speak to you please' max asked standing up.

she nods then they both walk out of the room shutting the door behind them.

'wonder what that's about' I ask looking around the room.

'probably that Colby dude, max didn't seem happy when he found out him and Jordan are a you could say thing' seb says grabbing his bass.

'joey wheres Lenny' I ask walking over and packing up chess board that he always leaves up.

'ugh dad took Lenny to the vet today with mom don't think they will be back for another hour or so, you don't have to pack that up I'll do it' I says concerned.

'oh okay and no your-' I was cut of by yelling coming from outside.

'I'm only trying to protect you' I hear max defence himself.

all four of us walk closer to the door to try and hear everything.

I told you I'm nosy and I'm not the only one this time.

'I don't need protection I'm almost 20 max' I hear Jordan yell louder.

I look at joey and wonder if we would go out and do something.

he shakes his head in an response saying no and I then walk over and sit on his desk chair.

he shakes his head and then continues listening.

'Jordan I don't care what you think he's not right for you' he says yelling louder then I've ever heard max yell.

'Michelle isn't any better, her and her stupid ass fork spoon things like what the fuck is that that's what a spork is for' Jordan yells.

oh god we knew this wasn't any good now max was going to fight back.

'what the fuck at least she's doing something to help the environment other the sleeping around left and right' he yelled back.

'excuse me explain how that saves the environment max'

'it's reusable plastic' he says confused.

'ugh it's plastic we have metal SPORKS we can use which does the same exact fucking job'

'I'm confused is this about Michelle or Colby' I say looking at the door where the boys were.

they all shrug excitedly to see who says what next....

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••tthank you for reading

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song of the day
Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Green Day

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