12 August, 2017

42 1 0

Sara's P.O.V
my head is pounding as I get up out of bed. I stop in my tracks as I realise I'm naked.

I quickly cover myself up with my hands and look round the room to see cole in my bed and our clothes all over the floor.

I pick up my clothes and quickly put them on.

I walk out into the kitchen and see two school friends sleeping up against the wall.

I stepped outside to find people asleep on the lawn and the driveway even someone on the pool step and Troye out on the front lawn.

I wake up Troye so nothing happens to him if it already hasn't.

'Troye wake up' I shake him.

'I'm up I think' he mumbled trying to stand up.

'careful' I say putting my hand in his back to keep his balance.

we walked into the backyard to find no one has moved.

Troye started to laugh loudly at the sight of everyone pretty much lying dead on the grass.

'wow didn't realise how wasted everyone got last night' he laughed even more.

I also laughed at his comment.

I go back inside to see where everyone else is and see people in the lounge room and joey under my sisters bed with seb on top.

'Joey' I said walking over to him bending down.

'joey' I said one more time shaking him to wake up him.

he stirs and goes to sit up but fails and hits his head on the bed.

he mumbles an 'ow' as he lies back down.

'you right' I ask.

'yea it fucking hurts though' he says in pain while holding his arm up to rest on the soon going to be bruised forehead.

he starts to slide out as I try to help him.

'Troye can you get an ice back or a bag of peas please' I ask Troye as I looked up at him he walks out of the room to go get one of the two as I help joey sit up.

'what time is it' he asked still in pain.

'um it's like 11 in the morning' I say removing his arm from his arm from his forehead which is now very read and has an already growing bump.

'here' Troye throws a bag of peas at me.

I mumble a thanks as he starts talking again.

'people are staring to wake up what do you want me to do' he asks.

'ugh there's coffee so whenever someone wakes up just ask what coffee and we'll be out soon to fix up table and chairs and we'll cook bacon and some eggs for brunch' he nods and walks back out.

'I don't remember much from last night' he says still in pain.

'do you remember breaking up with Madeline' I ask.

'oh shit did I' he asks raising his eyebrows.

'eh she was a fucking asshole slutty bitch anyway' he laughed but sounded serious at the same time as I also giggled a little bit too.

'does it feel better' I ask softly.

he nods and looks at me in the eyes.

I didn't know how gorgeous his eyes were until now they sparkled a bit from the sun light and they just seemed to light up.

I knew we were having a moment as we started to lean in and I couldn't believe it was actually going to happen.

we both almost touch lips as someone buts in.

'okay guys get a room for starters and didn't you like fuck cole last night' seb commented getting up out of bed and down the hallway.

well thanks seb I'm waiting for the argument now.

'you fucked cole' he asked sadness in his voice.

'yea I was drunk I didn't even know till this morning trust me it didn't mean anything' I rambled on.

'hey it's okay I can't make decisions for you' he said giving me a hug I could still see the sadness and it made me feel down I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

'wanna go out and see everybody' he asks standing up.

'yea sure' we walk out to the kitchen and he puts the peas back and we walk out the door.

'there's the birthday girl' a couple of people cheered.

'thanks guys' I replied.

we had some coffee and our brunch.

I said goodbye to practically everyone expect for Jordan, Cole, Max, Seb, Troye and Joey.

Cole came up to me and starting speaking bare remind I was a bit nervous after last night.

'no feelings from last night right' he asked.

'no feelings' I pinky promise him.

out of the corner of my eye I see joey looking a little jealous and I do have to say it looked good on him.

I'd didn't mean that in a bad way I meant he looks hot like really hot.

'so I got go back to Cali with the boys is that alright'

'yea of course were just gonna clean up and then go back to dads and I'll go straight to bed'

'okay well there isn't to much to do anyway it's just a few odds and ends ain't it' he asks.

'yea pretty much'

he hugs and and mumbled a goodbye while walking of to a Uber they called not to long ago.

'bye Sara' Max and Seb say hugging me.

joey comes over and gives me a long big warm hug I don't want to end.

'I'll miss you and I hope to see you soon'

'you will don't worry I have Tour soon' I reply as I have a few meet and greet shows for my fellow subscribers I have to do.

'okay where's the first one' he asked pulling away still holding onto me by my waist.

'to be honest I don't even know' I giggle.

out of the corner of my I see everyone's eyes staring at us but I wasn't worried joeys were nicer to look at.

I thought we were gonna kiss but he just speaks up and says 'I didn't realise how pretty your eyes are'.

'thank you' I giggle and looking down.

he lifts my face using his fingers but we were interrupted by the Uber beeping it's horn for the boys to hurry up.

'I- I gotta go cya' he rambles running of the boys following behind.

I shake it off and continue fixing up the mess around the house.

I locked up and drove to my dads and we spoke about what an eventful night we had.

then we all had separate showers and went to bed at 4 in the afternoon.

Thank you for reading...sorry I haven't been updating but I should be back running like normal now.

please leave feedback.

Song of the day
Harry Dean

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